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- Affirm™
- Extreme Green 20®
- Strobe™ 50 WG
- BY 6223TF
- Lightspeed Perennial Ryegrass
- Sundown Perennial Ryegrass
- Lexicon®
- #24 – All Purpose Saline
- #26 – Annual Forage EXT
- #25 – All Grass Saline
- #23 – Lowland
- #22 – Dryland Pasture-Hay
- #21 – Super Cattleman's/Premium Horse Hay
- #20 – Super Pasture-Hay
- #15 – Bloat Safe
- #14 – Horse Pasture
- #13 – Parkland Pasture
- #12 – All Purpose Pasture
- #11 – Super Grassland
- #1 – Super Hay
- #2 – Super Maxi-Ton
- #3 – Saline Hay
- #4 – Super Haymaker
- #5 – Pro Hay
- #10 – Super Pasture
- Pendant™ PRO
- Ice Armour System™
- Ice Armour System™
- BY 7206LL
- BY 7202LL
- BY 7202LL
- BY 7206LL
- Flex-Guard
- Flex-Guard
- AAC Torque Hybrid Bromegrass
- BY Nebo XT
- BY Arvon XT
- AAC Torque Hybrid Bromegrass
- Bobcat Red Clover
- CDC Torsion Meadow Bromegrass
- BY 6219TF
- BY 6219TF
- TurfRX Mg
- TurfRX Mg
- CDC Torsion Meadow Bromegrass
- Rasant Timothy
- Flexxcape ™
- Flexxcape ™
- TruGyp®
- TruGyp®
- Fétuque rouge rampante céleste
- Celestial Creeping Red Fescue
- Fétuque à mâcher Shadow III
- Shadow III Chewings Fescue
- BY 7204LL
- BY 7204LL
- Fétuque rouge traçante Rev
- Rev Creeping Red Fescue
- Ray-grass vivace des réservoirs
- Reservoir Perennial Ryegrass
- Fétuque rouge rampante Aberdeen
- Aberdeen Creeping Red Fescue
- NanoCharge
- NanoCharge
- 19-3-5 50% SRN
- 19-3-5 50% SRN
- 21-0-0 Sulfate d'ammonium - Fines
- 21-0-0 Ammonium Sulphate Fines
- 15-3-9 Sulfate d'ammonium Quantum
- 15-3-9 Quantum Ammonium Sulphate
- 22-4-20 Quantum Turf Balance
- 22-4-20 Quantum Turf Balance
- Le temps de la nature 7-2-5
- Nature’s Time 7-2-5
- 25-5-10 65% XCU, 0.11% Fe Wolf Trax DDP
- 25-5-10 65% XCU, 0.11% Fe Wolf Trax DDP
- 39-0-0 100% SCU
- 39-0-0 100% SCU
- 16-0-31 50% TTRU, SOP
- 16-0-31 50% TTRU, SOP
- 22-2-22 75% TTRU, 2% Fe, SOP, MOP
- 22-2-22 75% TTRU, 2% Fe, SOP, MOP
- 26-4-10 75% TTRU, 2% Fe, 2%Mn, SOP
- 26-4-10 75% TTRU, 2% Fe, 2%Mn, SOP
- 30-0-8 50% TTRU, MOP
- 30-0-8 50% TTRU, MOP
- 27-4-10 50% TTRU, 2% Mg, SPM
- 27-4-10 50% TTRU, 2% Mg, SPM
- 32-0-13 100% TTRU, SOP
- 32-0-13 100% TTRU, SOP
- 44-0-0 100% TTRU
- 44-0-0 100% TTRU
- 30-0-15 100% TTRU, SOP
- 30-0-15 100% TTRU, SOP
- BY Robson XT
- BY Hector XT
- BY Deno XT
- BY Guernsey VT2P RIB
- T9 Mélange tolérant à la sécheresse
- T9 Drought Tolerant Blend
- T2 Premium Turf Blend Ultracoat
- T2 Premium Turf Blend Ultracoat
- T2 Premium Turf Blend Ultracoat
- Mesureur d'humidité du sol FieldScout TDR250
- FieldScout TDR250 Soil Moisture Meter
- Anuew ™
- Anuew ™
- 30-0-0 Triple action
- 30-0-0 Triple Action
- 43-0-0 100% TTRU
- 43-0-0 100% TTRU
- 22-1-22 65% ProNexx, 2% Fe, SN, SOP
- 22-1-22 65% ProNexx, 2% Fe, SN, SOP
- 30-1-10 65% ProNexx, 2% Fe, SN, SOP
- 30-1-10 65% ProNexx, 2% Fe, SN, SOP
- BY 6216TF
- BY 6216TF
- Daybreak Tall Fescue
- Shockwave II Alfalfa
- Mervana Italian Ryegrass
- Shift Alfalfa
- Mervana Italian Ryegrass
- Shift Alfalfa
- Barricade II Alfalfa
- Ace Alfalfa
- Carlton Smooth Bromegrass
- Carlton Smooth Bromegrass
- Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
- Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
- Blend 4440 Alfalfa
- Catalyst Perennial Ryegrass
- Sunburst Perennial Ryegrass
- Reservoir Perennial Ryegrass
- Dominator Perennial Ryegrass
- Triumphant Blend Perennial Ryegrass
- Riptide Perennial Ryegrass
- Sunstreaker Perennial Ryegrass
- Citation III Perennial Ryegrass
- Passport Perennial Ryegrass
- iQ Perennial Ryegrass
- Fastlane Tall Fescue
- DoubleTake Tall Fescue
- Swagger Tall Fescue
- Showdown Tall Fescue
- Deputy Tall Fescue
- Trilogy Blend Tall Fescue
- Fury Tall Fescue
- Coronado Gold Tall Fescue
- Catapult Timothy
- Catapult Timothy
- Impactor Timothy
- Impactor Timothy
- Promesse Timothy
- Promesse Timothy
- Summergraze Timothy
- Summergraze Timothy
- Stockpile II Alfalfa
- BY Belmont RR2
- Aprilia Tall Fescue
- Payload Tall Fescue
- Cowgirl Tall Fescue
- Riding Brand Tall Fescue
- Riding Brand Tall Fescue
- SWAJ Tall Fescue
- SWAJ Tall Fescue
- Surge HG Alfalfa
- Tored Meadow Fescue
- Boreal Creeping Red Fescue
- Boreal Creeping Red Fescue
- Amirani R2
- Tored Meadow Fescue
- BY 6217TF
- Akras R2
- BY 6217TF
- BY 6214TF
- BY 6214TF
- Ace Alfalfa
- Revolver Alfalfa
- Signum Soybean
- Signum Soybean
- BY 6211TF
- Dynamo Alfalfa
- Osmium Pea/Lentil
- BY 6211TF
- Osmium Pea/Lentil
- BY 6207TF
- BY 6207TF
- Barricade II Alfalfa
- Osmium Chickpea
- Osmium Chickpea
- BY 6204TF
- BY 6204TF
- Reload Alfalfa
- BY 7102LL
- BY 7102LL
- Mesureur d'humidité du sol FieldScout TDR150
- FieldScout TDR150 Soil Moisture Meter
- Futerra® TRM - Profil®
- Futerra® TRM - Profile®
- Impermeable – GreenJacket®
- Imperméable - GreenJacket
- Impermeable – GreenJacket®
- BioBoost XL
- BioBoost XL
- BioBoost
- BioBoost
- WaterWorks Kentucky Bluegrass
- WaterWorks Kentucky Bluegrass
- Skye Kentucky Bluegrass
- Skye Kentucky Bluegrass
- Prospérité Kentucky Bluegrass
- Prosperity Kentucky Bluegrass
- Moonlight SLT Kentucky Bluegrass
- Moonlight SLT Kentucky Bluegrass
- Milagro Kentucky Bluegrass
- Milagro Kentucky Bluegrass
- Minuit Kentucky Bluegrass
- Midnight Kentucky Bluegrass
- Jumpstart Kentucky Bluegrass
- Jumpstart Kentucky Bluegrass
- Pleine lune Kentucky Bluegrass
- Full Moon Kentucky Bluegrass
- Endurance Kentucky Bluegrass
- Endurance Kentucky Bluegrass
- Ensorcelés Kentucky Bluegrass
- Bewitched Kentucky Bluegrass
- Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
- Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
- Brooklawn Kentucky Bluegrass
- Brooklawn Kentucky Bluegrass
- Le Kentucky Bluegrass ébloui
- Bedazzled Kentucky Bluegrass
- Fétuque dure Nanook
- Nanook Hard Fescue
- Fétuque élevée Swagger
- Swagger Tall Fescue
- Fétuque élevée DoubleTake
- DoubleTake Tall Fescue
- Soilguard Fétuque dure
- Soilguard Hard Fescue
- Fétuque dure Big Horn GT
- Big Horn GT Hard Fescue
- Logs/Wattles pour le contrôle des sédiments
- Logs/Wattles For Sediment Control
- Double filet de noix de coco ECB
- Double-Net Coconut ECB
- Paille double filet noix de coco ECB
- Double-Net Straw Coconut ECB
- Paille à double filet ECB
- Double-Net Straw ECB
- Machine de marquage de ligne iGO
- iGO Line Marking Machine
- Gypse granulé
- Granulated Gypsum
- Passage à ras de terre
- Flush Thru
- Pelouse et Paysage™
- Lawn and Landscape™
- 18-24-12 50% XCU
- 18-24-12 50% XCU
- Impact™ XP - Linemark
- Impact™ XP - Linemark
- 20-2-20 50% XCU
- 20-2-20 50% XCU
- 25-4-12 75% PCS
- 25-4-12 75% PCS
- 22-3-22 50% XCU, 2% FE, MOP
- 22-3-22 50% XCU, 2% FE, MOP
- 32-4-10 mini 80% Pronexx
- 32-4-10 mini 80% Pronexx
- 46-0-0 100% Melt + Spray
- 46-0-0 100% Melt + Spray
- 47-0-0 100% Pronexx
- 47-0-0 100% Pronexx
- Replenish™ 8-2-2
- Replenish™ 8-2-2
- Aqueduct® Flex
- Aqueduct® Flex
- 16-2-15
- 16-2-15
- 23-0-0
- 23-0-0
- 19-2-15
- 19-2-15
- 0-0-15
- 0-0-15
- Replenish™ 10-2-5
- Replenish™ 10-2-5
- Replenish™ 5-4-5
- Replenish™ 5-4-5
- 13-1-13
- 13-1-13
- 10-2-20
- 10-2-20
- 18-2-18
- 18-2-18
- OceanGlas
- OceanGlas
- Green-T® Impulse
- Green-T® Impulse
- Green-T® 6 Fer
- Green-T® 6 Iron
- Green-T® 12 Fer
- Green-T® 12 Iron
- Thiosulfate d'ammonium
- Ammonium Thiosulfate
- Green-T® Sugar Cal XTRA
- Green-T® Sugar Cal XTRA
- Green-T® Super MK Green
- Green-T® Super MK Green
- Green-T® 12-3-12
- Green-T® 12-3-12
- Green-T® Healthy Start XTRA
- Green-T® Healthy Start XTRA
- Potassium +
- Potassium+
- Infiltré-K
- Infiltrate-K
- TurfRx Micro+
- TurfRx Micro+
- TurfRx Xtraction
- TurfRx Xtraction
- TurfRx PeneCal
- TurfRx PeneCal
- TurfRx Si
- TurfRx Si
- TurfRx Ca
- TurfRx Ca
- TurfRx OxyCal
- TurfRx OxyCal
- TurfRx NatureCur
- TurfRx NatureCur
- TurfRx P+
- TurfRx P+
- TurfRx K+ Micro Crystal
- TurfRx K+ Micro Crystal
- 8-16-16
- 8-16-16
- Ray-grass vivace Sunstreaker
- Sunstreaker Perennial Ryegrass
- Ray-grass vivace Dominator
- Dominator Perennial Ryegrass
- Ray-grass triomphant
- Triumphant Perennial Ryegrass
- T-1 Agrostide
- T-1 Bentgrass
- Crystal BlueLinks Bentgrass
- Crystal BlueLinks Bentgrass
- Penn A-4 Bentgrass
- Penn A-4 Bentgrass
- Pureformance Bentgrass
- Pureformance Bentgrass
- T-Nex™ ME
- T-Nex™ ME
- Vinaigre horticole Munger PLUS
- Munger Horticultural Vinegar PLUS
- Dimension
- Dimension®
- Velocity® SP
- Velocity® SP
- Propiconazole 14.3 ME
- Propiconazole 14.3 ME
- Bentgrass Pure Distinction
- Pure Distinction Bentgrass
- Tetrino™
- Tetrino™
- FloThru™ A-Plus
- FloThru™ A-Plus
- AquaSphere®PRO
- AquaSphere®PRO
- T88 TWCA Mélange de gazon
- T88 TWCA Mélange de gazon
- T88 TWCA Sod Blend
- Alpine Bluegrass
- Alpine Bluegrass
- Turface MVP
- Turface MVP
- ProGanics Biotic Soil Media
- ProGanics Biotic Soil Media
- TurfRx Platinum
- TurfRx Platinum
- 15-2-15
- 15-2-15
- Trillion
- Trillion®
- Mirage™ Stressgard® - Le système d'alarme de l'appareil de mesure de la pression
- Mirage™ Stressgard®
- Reload Alfalfa
- Dynamo Alfalfa
- Launcher Soybean Liquid
- BY Brava RR2
- Dahurian Wildrye
- Chlorothalonil 720F
- Chlorothalonil 720F
- Xzemplar
- Xzemplar®
- Insignia® Pro
- Insignia® Pro
- Banol® - La sécurité de l'emploi
- Banol®
- Exteris™ Stressgard® - Le système de protection contre le stress
- Exteris™ Stressgard®
- Affirm™
- Quicksilver®
- Tourney
- Tourney®
- Dedicate® Stressgard® (en anglais)
- Dedicate® Stressgard®
- Maxtima® - La
- Maxtima®
- Honor™
- Honor™
- Signature XTRA™ Stressgard®
- Signature XTRA™ Stressgard®
- Suspendre PolyZone®
- Suspend PolyZone®
- TruLime
- TruLime®
- Champ et parcours
- Field & Fairway
- Greens Grade™
- Greens Grade™
- Gypse granulé
- Granulated Gypsum
- pHusion Manganèse
- pHusion Manganese
- Primer® 6O4
- Primer® 6O4
- Révolution
- Revolution
- Envoi
- Dispatch
- Seize90™
- Sixteen90™
- Hydratation A-Plus
- Hydration A-Plus
- Explosion
- Blast
- Blue Liquid SPI
- Blue Liquid SPI
- Blue Liquid SPI
- Granulés noirs
- Black Granular
- Granulés bleus
- Blue Granular
- RPM Noir
- RPM Black
- RPM Bleu
- RPM Blue
- Futerra® TRM 7020
- Futerra® TRM 7020
- Perméable - GreenJacket
- Permeable - GreenJacket®
- Grille de verrouillage - BWI
- Grid Lock - BWI
- Argile professionnelle de Mound
- Mound Professional Clay
- Blocs Moundmaster
- Moundmaster Blocks
- Turface QuickDry
- Turface QuickDry
- Turface Pro League
- Turface Pro League
- Tiges de remplacement FieldScout TDR
- FieldScout TDR Replacement Rods
- Mesureur d'humidité du sol FieldScout TDR350
- FieldScout TDR350 Soil Moisture Meter
- LESCO® 80# épandeur rotatif
- LESCO® 80# Rotary Spreader
- Spyker 80# Epandeur d'engrais
- Spyker 80# Broadcast Spreader
- Spiker Seeder
- Spiker Seeder
- Groom-IT
- Groom-IT
- Matrice de fibres collées HydroStraw (BFM)
- HydroStraw Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM)
- ProMatrix Engineered Fiber Matrix (EFM) (matrice de fibres artificielles)
- ProMatrix Engineered Fiber Matrix (EFM)
- CocoFlex Extended Term Flexible Growth Medium (ET-FGM)
- CocoFlex Extended Term Flexible Growth Medium (ET-FGM)
- Flexterra High Performance Flexible Growth Medium (HP-FGM)
- Flexterra High Performance Flexible Growth Medium (HP-FGM)
- Seed Aide CoverGrow (paillis granulaire)
- Seed Aide CoverGrow (Granular Mulch)
- Profil Cellulose avec Tack
- Profile Cellulose with Tack
- Profil Cellulose
- Profile Cellulose
- Profil Mélange avec Tack
- Profile Blend with Tack
- Mélange de profils
- Profile Blend
- HydroStraw Guar Plus
- HydroStraw Guar Plus
- HydroStraw Original
- HydroStraw Original
- EzFlo Blend (équipement à agitation par jet)
- EzFlo Blend (Jet Agitated Equipment)
- Profilé en bois avec tenon
- Profile Wood with Tack
- ProGanics Dual
- ProGanics Dual
- ConTack® Adhésif organique
- ConTack® Organic Tackifier
- SlikColor
- SlikColor
- AquaGel™
- AquaGel™
- FlocLoc™
- FlocLoc™
- Agent d'arrimage 3
- Tacking Agent 3
- Agrafes libres biodégradables
- Biodegradable Loose Staples
- Piquets libres en bois dur
- Hardwood Loose Stakes
- Agrafes libres en acier
- Steel Loose Staples
- GreenStake Biodégradable
- GreenStake Biodégradable
- GreenStake Biodegradable
- Round Top Bio Pin
- Round Top Bio Pin
- Épingles à tête ronde
- Round Top Pins
- Tournevis pour goupilles à tête ronde
- Round Top Pin Driver
- Factor-L Agrafes lâches
- Factor-L Loose Staples
- Fétuque des bruyères
- Heathland Chewings Fescue
- Babe Kentucky Bluegrass
- Babe Kentucky Bluegrass
- Bentgrass Pure Select
- Pure Select Bentgrass
- Sauvagine lisse
- Smooth Wildrye
- Avoine
- Oats
- Seigle d'automne
- Fall Rye
- Ray-grass annuel diploïde
- Diploid Annual Ryegrass
- Trèfle blanc des prairies
- White Prairie Clover
- Achillée millefeuille occidentale
- Western Yarrow
- Trèfle violet des prairies
- Purple Prairie Clover
- Mélange de fleurs sauvages Prairiebloom
- Prairiebloom Wildflower Mix
- Souci du Nord
- Northern Sweetvetch
- Asclépiade du Canada
- Canada Milkvetch
- Balsamome à feuilles d'arroche
- Arrowleaf Balsamroot
- Vesce d'Amérique
- American Vetch
- Sainfoin
- Sainfoin
- Cicer Asclépiade
- Cicer Milkvetch
- La jussie dahurienne
- Dahurian Wildrye
- Canada Wildrye
- Canada Wildrye
- Agropyre de l'Ouest
- Western Wheatgrass
- Agropyre élevé
- Tall Wheatgrass
- Agropyre des rives
- Streambank Wheatgrass
- Herbe de blé élancée
- Slender Wheatgrass
- Agropyre du Nord
- Northern Wheatgrass
- Herbe de blé intermédiaire
- Intermediate Wheatgrass
- Agropyre à crête
- Crested Wheatgrass
- Herbe de blé à grappes bleues
- Bluebunch Wheatgrass
- Herbe à blé sans barbe
- Beardless Bluebunch Wheatgrass
- Agropyre à feuilles étroites
- Awned Wheatgrass
- Herbe à cheveu touffue
- Tufted Hairgrass
- Herbe à chatouilles
- Ticklegrass
- Trisetum en épi
- Spike Trisetum
- Herbe aux marais
- Sloughgrass
- Haut rouge
- Red Top
- Herbe à la puce (Bluejoint Reedgrass)
- Bluejoint Reedgrass
- Le panic érigé
- Switchgrass
- Sideoats Grama
- Sideoats Grama
- Petit trèfle
- Little Bluestem
- Herbe aux Indiens
- Indiangrass
- Herbe à bison
- Buffalo Grass
- Grasset bleu
- Blue Grama
- Grand trèfle
- Big Bluestem
- Alcaligrade pleureuse
- Weeping Alkaligrass
- Alcaligrade de Nuttall
- Nuttall's Alkaligrass
- Salicorne de l'intérieur
- Inland Saltgrass
- Fétuque ovine
- Sheep Fescue
- Complexe de fétuque scabre
- Rough Fescue Complex
- Fétuque des montagnes Rocheuses
- Rocky Mountain Fescue
- Fétuque de l'Idaho
- Idaho Fescue
- Fétuque dure
- Hard Fescue
- Herbe aux porcs-épics de l'Ouest
- Western Porcupine Grass
- Gaillet gratteron
- Sand Dropseed
- Sable des prairies
- Prairie Sandreed
- Herbe de juin des prairies
- Prairie Junegrass
- Aiguille et fil d'herbe
- Needle & Thread Grass
- Ricegrass indien
- Ricegrass indien
- Indian Ricegrass
- Aiguille verte
- Green Needlegrass
- Brome inerme
- Nodding Brome
- Brome des montagnes
- Mountain Brome
- Brome frangé
- Brome frangé
- Fringed Brome
- Sandberg Bluegrass
- Sandberg Bluegrass
- Fowl Bluegrass
- Fowl Bluegrass
- Canada Bluegrass
- Canada Bluegrass
- T14 Mélange à faible entretien
- T14 Low Maintenance Mix
- T13 Mélange pour cimetière
- T13 Cemetery Blend
- T55 Tee et Fairway Ontario
- T55 Tee and Fairway Ontario
- T3 Mélange pour terrain de jeu et pelouse rurale
- T3 Playground/Rural Lawn Mix
- T6 Mélange tout usage
- T6 Mélange tout usage
- T6 All Purpose Blend
- T5 Tee/Fairway Divot Blend
- T5 Tee/Fairway Divot Blend
- Coastal 4-Way Blend
- Coastal 4-Way Blend
- T8 Executive Blend Ultracoat
- T8 Executive Blend Ultracoat
- Hairy Vetch
- Purple Top Turnip
- Forage Radish
- Golden German Millet
- Sorghum Sudangrass
- Tripper Maxx
- Sprint Maxx
- Launcher Soybean Liquid
- Russian Wildrye
- Dahurian Wildrye
- Sweet Clover (Yellow & White Blossom)
- Huia White Clover
- Sainfoin
- Cicer Milkvetch
- Leo Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Norgold Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
- Red Clover - Single Cut
- Wildcat Double Cut Red Clover
- Aurora Alsike Clover
- Foothold Alfalfa
- Stronghold Alfalfa
- BY 5125CL
- 6074 RR
- BY 5125CL
- Bonaire Kentucky Bluegrass
- Brooklawn Kentucky Bluegrass
- Babe Kentucky Bluegrass
- Aberdeen Creeping Red Fescue
- Shadow III Chewings Fescue
- Rev Creeping Red Fescue
- Fairway Crested Wheatgrass
- Fairway Crested Wheatgrass
- Kirk Crested Wheatgrass
- Kirk Crested Wheatgrass
- Intermediate Wheatgrass
- Intermediate Wheatgrass
- Pubescent Wheatgrass
- Pubescent Wheatgrass
- Slender Wheatgrass
- Slender Wheatgrass
- Tall Wheatgrass
- Tall Wheatgrass
- AC Killarney Orchardgrass
- AC Killarney Orchardgrass
- Glacier Brand Orchardgrass
- Glacier Brand Orchardgrass
- Trailburst Orchardgrass
- Trailburst Orchardgrass
- Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Rival Reed Canarygrass
- Rival Reed Canarygrass
- Tribal Perennial Ryegrass
- Tribal Perennial Ryegrass
- Bigbang Annual Ryegrass
- Bigbang Annual Ryegrass
- Bigbang Annual Ryegrass
- AC Torque Hybrid Bromegrass
- Sureshot Alfalfa
- Tripper Maxx
- Sprint Maxx
- Stockade Peas
- Haywire Oats
- Elevator Triticale
- Slingshot Alfalfa
- Bearcat Double Cut Red Clover
- Wildcat Double Cut Red Clover
- Aurora Alsike Clover
- Huia White Clover
- Sainfoin
- Cicer Milkvetch
- Leo Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Norgold Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
- Red Clover - Single Cut
- Foothold Alfalfa
- Stronghold Alfalfa
- Octane Alfalfa
- Shockwave BR Alfalfa
- Optimus Alfalfa
- Native Grass
- Creeping Red Fescue
- Timothy
- Tall Fescue
- Perennial Ryegrass
- Annual Ryegrass
- Clover
- Alfalfa