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Affirm™ WDG fungicide is a proven leader that is now available in Canada to manage basil rot anthracnose and rhizoctonia diseases with a unique mode of action

Affirm™ WDG fungicide offers a unique mode of action to control many tough turf diseases while helping to mitigate disease resistance development. Affirm has been a proven leader, delivering excellent control to anthracnose and rhizoctonia diseases. Plus, Affirm may be tank mixed with Tourney® for increased dollar spot control.


Active Ingredients: Polyoxin D

Package Size: 1.09 kg water dispersible granules

PCP Number: 32920


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Disease Rate (per 100 m2) Application Interval
Foliar Anthracnose 27 gm 14 days
Basal Rot Anthracnose 27 gm 14 days
Brown Patch 27 gm 14 days
Leaf Spot 27 gm 14 days
Pink Snow Mould 27 gm 21 days
Grey Snow Mould 27 gm 21 days
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