Moonlight SLT Kentucky Bluegrass
A dark green, elite, low-growing Kentucky bluegrass
Moonlight SLT, developed by Pure-Seed Testing, Inc., is a dark green, elite, low-growing Kentucky bluegrass that is a “Moonlight” hybrid. Moonlight SLT was selected for improved salt tolerance and has performed well at levels of 10,000 ppm in greenhouse trials. Moonlight SLT has good resistance to stem rust, stripe rust, and leaf spot. It has good winter color and performs great in lawn mixtures with ryegrass and other dark colored bluegrasses. It has a lower growth habit and can be maintained at lower mowing heights with good results and less mowing. Moonlight SLT is an excellent choice for golf course tees, fairways, and roughs. It is also recommended for sod farms and high traffic athletic field installations.