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BY 7206LL

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Canola Crop with This Hybrid — Engineered for Pod Shatter Control, Advanced Clubroot Defense, and Unbeatable Blackleg Resistance

  • Pod DefendR shatter reduction technology
  • Double-layered Clubroot and Blackleg DefendR traits
  • A high yielding mid-maturity hybrid

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BY 7206LL

BY 7206LL Characteristics
ClubrootR (Next Generation Resistance)
BlacklegR-A, E2, G
Major Gene IDLepR2, Rlm1, Rlm7
Seed Treatment OptionsClick Here
Pod Shatter Rating7.3

Performance in Trials


BY 7206LL

R = Resistant
1 Yield and maturity ratings based on 2024 Max plot data vs. the market leading LibertyLink hybrid.
2 The pod shatter tolerance rating is based on the Canola Council of Canada’s shatter tolerance scale of 1 – 9. 1 = poor, 9= excellent. Results may vary
slightly on your farm due to environmental factors and management practices.
* Next-generation resistance includes pathotypes covered by first generation resistance plus resistance to newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, 3D, and other prevalent pathotypes.

BY 7206LL

Seed Treatment Options

Base Seed Treatment:
Helix Saltro Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 1:

Fortenza Advanced Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 2:

BUTEO start logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 3:

BUTEO start logo     BY 7206LL

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