Guarantee Your Forage Seed Investment
Even though you’ve taken care to properly seed and establish your new forage stand, the weather doesn’t always co-operate. Not to worry, BrettYoung will guarantee your forage seed investment on qualifying premium products.
In the unfortunate event of establishment failure, the replacement seed cost is borne by BrettYoung. Percent coverage depends on when you enroll in the program, when you place your seed order, and if a companion crop is used.
Forage Establishment Guarantee

Download our Establishment Guarantee form
Program Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the program, the following criteria must be met:
- Order seed and enroll in the program by April 1, 2025 and seed without a companion crop to qualify for 100% coverage on replacement seed.
- If a companion crop is used in the April 1, 2025 enrollment period replacement seed coverage is 50%.
- Enroll in the program by April 30, 2025, and seed without a companion crop to qualify for 50% coverage on replacement seed.
- If a companion crop is used in the April 30, 2025 enrollment period replacement seed coverage is 25%.
- Stand must be planted by June 30, 2025.
- Products or blend components used must qualify for the program.
- Must fulfill Agronomic Requirements as outlined on page 40 of the BrettYoung 2025 Forage Guide.
Program Limitations
- Replacement seed under the Forage Establishment Guarantee is provided only once for the area of the stand that failed to establish and must be seeded in that area.
- Replacement seed will be the same variety or mixture as originally purchased, subject to availability.
- Replacement seed must be planted in the original year of seeding or in the spring of the following year.
- Good agronomic seeding preparations and stand establishment practices must be followed and documented as outlined on page 40 of the 2025 BrettYoung Forage Guide.
Key Dates
• April 1, 2025: Deadline to order seed and enroll in the program to be eligible for 100% coverage.
• April 30, 2025: Deadline to enroll in the program to be eligible for 50% coverage.
• June 30, 2025: Seeding deadline on eligible forage stands.
• Within 60 days of seeding or July 30, 2025: Deadline to notify BrettYoung Regional Account Manager of stand establishment concerns.
Agronomic Requirements
To receive replacement seed of qualifying varieties, all of the seeding preparation and agronomic practices noted below must be followed and documented.
Time of Seeding
Forage seed must be planted before June 30, 2025. If a cover crop is used, the seeding rate must be reduced to one-half or less of the normal recommended seeding rate and harvested as greenfeed or silage. To reduce lodging and severe competition from the companion crop, the soil nitrogen and applied nitrogen must not exceed 50 pounds of actual nitrogen per acre.
Seedbed Preparation
Seed must be planted in a firm, well-prepared seedbed that has had proper weed control, crop residue management and good seed-to-soil contact.
Seeding Depth and Packing
Forage seed must be seeded to a depth of one-half to one-quarter inch. Broadcast seeding operations must be incorporated and packed immediately, no deeper than the above depth.
Seeding Rates
Minimum seeding rates appropriate for the cropping zones and area must be followed. In the drier regions, the minimum rate is 8 pounds per acre for hay and pasture mixes. In higher moisture regions, the minimum is 12 pounds per acre for hay and pasture mixes.
Weed and Insect Infestation
The BrettYoung Establishment Guarantee is not available in the event of excessive weed competition or insect infestation. Action must be taken to control weeds as necessary. Reasonable control and monitoring of insects, mainly grasshoppers, is required.
Fertility and Soil pH
• Soil pH for alfalfa plantings must be between 6.5 and 8.5. A satisfactory soil test showing current soil conditions must be available. Forage seed planted in an area where improper fertility and soil pH are present will be ineligible for the Establishment Guarantee.
• No more than 15 pounds of P2O5 should be placed in the seed row with the seed. Higher rates must be banded away from the seed row to avoid seedling damage.
Chemical Residue
Stand damage due to chemical residue is not eligible for replanting under the Establishment Guarantee.
Stand Evaluation
Your BrettYoung Regional Account Manager must be notified within 60 days of seeding or by July 30, 2023. By this date, with corrective management such as weed or insect control, the forage stand will continue to establish to its full potential.
Companion Crops
The companion crop must be seeded at one-third to one-half of the normal seeding rate. Cereal cover crops including wheat, barley, oats, rye, and triticale should not exceed 30 lb/acre. Annual ryegrass can be used as a cover crop without reduction in coverage if seeded rate does not exceed 2 lbs per acre. Seed forages in a separate pass at an angle to your cover crop to reduce competition and to aid in depth control. Remove the companion crop as early as possible rather than harvesting the grain. This will reduce the amount of competition for sunlight, moisture, and nutrients.