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Tribal Perennial Ryegrass

Top Up Your Tonnage with Tribal Perennial Ryegrass

Tribal is a tetraploid forage type perennial ryegrass selected for forage yield, digestibility, and disease resistance. Its yield is characterized by season long persistence and aggressive regrowth delivering high productivity in multi-cut systems or aggressive grazing programs. Bred from European material, it has improved winterhardiness that is suitable for harsher climates and tolerance to dry conditions.


  • Strong Yield
  • Aggressive Regrowth
  • Digestibility
  • Stem and Crown Rust Resistance
  • Persistence in tough conditions

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Variety Lactal
Use Pasture
Root Habit Bunch-grass
Plant Type Basal
Preferred Growing Conditions Medium to high fertility soils with adequate moisture
Production Period Mid to Late Summer, Fall
  • Very susceptible to winter killing
Approx. Seeds/lb 240,000
Seeding Rate lb/acre 8-12


Environmental Tolerances
Winterhardiness Above Average
Drought Tolerance Low
Flooding Tolerance Moderate
Optimum PH 5.5 – 7.5
Acidity Tolerance Moderate
Alkalinity Tolerance Low to Moderate
Salinity Tolerance Low to Moderate
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