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Available Seed Treatments for Your BrettYoung Canola

Give your canola crop the best start right from day one! #

At BrettYoung we have the canola varieties to fit the needs of your farm. With DefendR-rated genetic disease and pod-shatter protection in all major herbicide systems there is an amazing portfolio of hybrids to choose from.  And to ensure you get canola seed with the best seed treatment options for your conditions we offer an industry-leading number of choices.

You can add both Fortenza® Advanced and Recover® PO4 to a base treatment of Helix® Saltro®. Not certain what to choose? Here’s a more in-depth look at the benefits of the new Helix Saltro, and Fortenza Advanced. Recover PO4 is a phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (Penicillium bilaii) – which is the same active ingredient as in JumpStart®. Recover PO4 increases the availability of soil and fertilizer phosphorous. It also enhances early vigour, increases root growth, and leaf surface area and comes in a convenient-to-use liquid formulation.

BUTEO™ start offers rapid uptake, even in drier conditions, which means powerful protection against flea beetle feeding pressure for a strong plant right from the start. It is paired with Prosper® Evergol® which has a fungicide package with 4 different active ingredients and an insecticide for additional flea beetle control.  Add Fortenza® to this combo for control of cutworms. 

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