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Introducing BY 7204LL: The First of Our New Generation of LibertyLink® Hybrids

The wait is over. You’ve asked for more LibertyLink options — and we’re delivering.  The first of BrettYoung’s new generation of LibertyLink canola hybrids is here and BY 7204LL is launching just in time for the 2024 growing season after proving itself in this year’s trials.

But we know that’s not enough.

So, BY 7204LL comes equipped with Pod DefendR, our shatter reduction trait. To receive the Pod DefendR designation, the hybrid has to have a minimum rating of 7.0 on the Canola Council of Canada’s canola shatter rating scale. With this technology, you can be sure your pods have the integrity you can count on.

BY 7204LL also comes equipped with Clubroot DefendR, which means stacked first and next-generation resistance genes to established clubroot pathotypes like 3H and newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, and 3D. It’s also R-rated to blackleg and has the Rlm7 major resistance gene. Agronomic & Regulatory Services Manager for BrettYoung, Justine Cornelsen, said that the corresponding blackleg race to this resistance gene is very predominant in Western Canada, and is an ideal match in the field to stop blackleg at the site of infection.

Cornelsen added this new product has really good standability and has held its own against competitors in trials.

“We saw it perform well in all geographies,” she said.

In field-scale 2023 BrettYoung Comparison Trials, BY 7204LL currently ranks at an average yield of 104% of trial mean. This growing season it has ranged anywhere from 95% to 121% and had significant number of trial wins. In the Kinistino, SK, field trial it yielded an amazing 67.3 bu/ac.

“It’s just been very consistent, which is something we want to see in a mid-maturing hybrid so it can be used across production regions” said Cornelsen.

BY 7204LL was developed by our canola breeding partner, DL Seeds.

“We’re excited to have something coming from our main breeding partner that’s a highly competitive and earlier maturing product, with Pod DefendR, and in the LibertyLink segment,” said Eric Gregory, Canola Product Manager at BrettYoung.

The new hybrid did exceptionally well in our small plot trials where the environment can be controlled. Because of the small scale, Cornelsen said there we can push the yield and ensure the plot is managed properly from seeding through harvest. The ground is uniform, disease and insect issues can be dealt with instantly, and because of the control over the entire trial, we get the opportunity to see just how high the yield potential is.

In small plot trials, we can also compare each product to many more than we would in a field scale trial. Cornelsen noted that gives us a better look at our entire portfolio, including our TruFlex™ and Clearfield® hybrids.

BY 7204LL is available for the 2024 growing season. Supply will go quickly, so be sure to speak to your BrettYoung retailer soon to get it in your fields next year.

To learn more about BY 7204LL, go to

**BY7204LL is pending registration.

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