Producing seed with BrettYoung gets you unmatched support - BrettYoung
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Producing seed with BrettYoung gets you unmatched support

Part of what makes producing forage and turf seed with BrettYoung unique is the dedication from our Seed Production Specialists (SPSs).

While many Western Canadian growers don’t know much about seed production, it may be something to consider. Forage and turf seed production involves growing species like alfalfa, ryegrass, or fescue — all of which are commonly used in forage and turf applications like fields, pastures, golf courses, and lawns — but has growers manage the crops to harvest their seed rather than the final product.

Because BrettYoung has more field reps than any other forage and turf seed company in Western Canada, our SPSs are able to spend more one-on-one time with our growers in their fields.

“We visit each field every two to three weeks throughout the season,” said Rebecca Spencer, Seed Production Specialist for Northwest Manitoba. “And even more frequently during critical times of the season when growers need our support most.”

Those critical times in the season are typically at spraying time and harvest time. Having a dedicated SPS for our operation adds a lot of benefits to producing forage and turf seed for BrettYoung. Our reps help you with:

  • Deciding on the species right for you and your farm
  • Ensuring seed stock arrives on time and to a convenient location for you
  • Making recommendations on seeding rates, seeding depth, cover crops, and fertility
  • Helping you to identify weeds, then select and stage the appropriate herbicide
  • Helping you to stage growth regulator, if applicable
  • Identifying insect and disease damage and suggesting appropriate insecticide and fungicide applications
  • Helping you determine the right harvest time and giving combine setting recommendations when it comes to it
  • Giving information on how to best store your seed to maintain quality and appropriate moisture levels
  • Making recommendations post-harvest on fall fertility and/or herbicides

“We understand farmers are busy people,” said Spencer. “Having an extra set of eyes on your field can be helpful when you’re trying to manage all your acres with obstacles like weather and time against you. You don’t have to do it all yourself — we are here to help.”

To learn more about producing forage and turf seed with BrettYoung, contact your local SPS.

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