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Have Confidence in Your Canola Seed Treatment with Syngenta and Bayer

Knowing your canola crop is protected from insects and diseases is a peace of mind that comes with no price. Syngenta’s programs give you just that — confidence in your crop.

Helix® Saltro® and Fortenza® Advanced are seed treatment options from Syngenta. Helix Saltro is a foundation seed treatment with the protection you know and trust from Helix Vibrance®. It controls flea beetles, seed-borne blackleg, Alternaria, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Pythium, and seedling disease complex. Helix Saltro is also unique as it is a fungicidal seed treatment for protection from early season airborne blackleg. Fortenza Advanced is an enhanced, add-on seed treatment providing you industry-leading flea beetle protection with the added benefit of cutworm control.

When you use Helix Saltro or Fortenza Advanced, you’re backed by Syngenta’s Canola Seedcare™ Performance Package. That means if you use either treatment according to its respective label, but you still need to spray for insects, Syngenta will reimburse you for a single application of insecticide. For flea beetles, that insecticide is Decis® or Pounce® 385 EC. For cutworms, it’s Pounce 385 EC.

Here are the details on how the program will work:

ProductFlea beetle supportCutworm supportFlea beetles
Days after seeding
Days after seeding
Final submission
date to Syngenta
Helix Saltro®$3/acreN/A28N/AJune 30/23
Fortenza AdvancedN/A$8/acreN/A35July 7/23
Helix Saltro® & Fortenza Advanced$6/acre$8/acre3535July 7/23
Insecticide optionsDecis® or Pounce® 384 ECPounce® 384 ECN/AN/AN/A

To qualify for the program, you must:

  • Complete and submit all 2023 seed and product applicable invoices to Syngenta by Aug. 15, 2023.
  • Follow recommended Canola Council of Canada cultural and agronomic practices that promote optimum canola stand establishment.
  • Regularly scout your canola fields after emergence for flea beetle feeding damage and/or cutworm feeding damage.
  • Register for the program prior to spraying. Do so by calling 1-87-SYNGENTA (1-877-964-3682).

Growers who seed canola consecutively on the same field are not eligible for the Canola Seedcare Performance Package (program details here). A Syngenta representative will investigate all inquiries and growers will require pre-spray approval to receive compensation.

Growers using the Bayer products BUTEO® start and Prosper® EverGol® may be eligible for the BUTEO start Assurance Program. If you experience flea beetle feeding damage of more than 25% on your canola treated with BUTEO start and Prosper EverGol seed treatments at or before the four-leaf stage, you could be eligible for up to a 100% rebate on Decis insecticide. To be eligible, you must sign up for the program at or call 1-844-250-9362 before or up to three days after you apply Decis and qualifying acres must exceed 40 acres. Full program details are available here.

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