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Selecting the right soybean variety for your farm

Getting the most of your soybean crop starts with variety selection.

When selecting a soybean variety that’s right for your farm, it’s important to take a holistic approach and look at:

  • Maturity based on your growing region
  • Yield potential
  • Disease resistance package
  • Standability

BrettYoung Corn, Soybeans, and Biologicals Product Manager, Vikas Chand, said getting a balance between the four characteristics noted above is imperative for the outcome of your crop. Choosing the right variety for Western Canadian conditions involves several key factors to ensure optimal growth and yield.

Chand recommends first looking at the maturity group of the variety. Select one with the appropriate rating for your specific region — Western Canada has a shorter growing season than other areas, so early maturing varieties are preferred.

He then says to look at the yield potential of different varieties based on real-time trial data. Compare a few products side-by-side.

“Higher yielding varieties can significantly impact the overall profitability of your crop,” said Chand. “So can varieties with a good defensive package.”

Selecting a soybean variety with resistance to common diseases in your area can make or break your harvest. Choosing a variety with resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot (PRR), White Mould, and Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) is crucial for a successful soybean crop in Western Cannada.

You also want to look at each variety’s herbicide tolerance and consider one with a suitable herbicide trait system to reduce competition in your field. Look at stress tolerance — choose a variety with good tolerance to abiotic stresses like drought, cold, and heat.

“You also want to select varieties with strong stems and good lodging resistance to withstand the high winds Western Canada gets,” said Chand. “And ensure the variety you choose is well-suited to your soil type, whether that be sandy, loamy, or clay, to maximize nutrient uptake and growth.”

BrettYoung soybean varieties are well suited to Western Canada. With a range of maturities, strong early season vigour, and excellent defense packages, you’re bound to find something for you in our soybean lineup. View our full soybean portfolio here.

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