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Your Quarterly Seed Production Market Update

July 2024 #

The busy spring season is coming to a close for seed producers and sellers. This season has brought both challenges and successes in production. A wet spring across much of Western Canada provided much-needed moisture but also made it challenging for many producers to complete seeding. Grass crops have benefitted from the moisture, setting up for promising results. However, many fields had to be taken out of production after a bizarre winter with little snow and repeated freeze-thaw periods causing ice sheeting and poor overwinter survival, leading to record field losses this year.

Grass seed acres are expected to be down in Oregon, but growing conditions have been almost ideal, so we anticipate a strong crop and ample supplies. Minnesota also experienced some field losses to winterkill but ample moisture should deliver strong yields on the remaining acres.

Spring seed consumption is still being tallied but is expected to be close to average in most markets. Wet spring conditions on the East Coast and Midwest, combined with concerns about inflation and the economy, reduced consumer demand.

Turfgrass prices have been under pressure in the last few months. Seed consumption has been steady, but carryover inventories are expected to remain high with the current harvest outlook. This has led some sellers to become more aggressive to create cash flow.

Forage seed demand has been strong, with higher cattle prices and good moisture supporting forage planting this year. Supplies of forage grasses and alfalfa are well-balanced, and prices have remained steady for most species. Clovers were short last year and saw record high prices, but prices are expected to soften with increasing production this season.

Perennial Ryegrass #

Perennial ryegrass prices have softened recently. The 2024 crop will be smaller with reduced acres in Oregon and Europe, as well as acres lost to winter kill in Minnesota and Western Canada however there are still ample inventories in Oregon and Europe to cover current needs which is putting pressure on prices. Top-quality product is more limited, so it’s important to manage your production to maximize returns per acre and speed seed movement.

Tall Fescue #

The outlook of a strong tall fescue crop in Oregon is weighing on prices, as inventories are expected to remain high despite lower acres. Top-quality product is more limited, so it’s important to manage your production to maximize returns per acre and speed seed movement.

Alfalfa #

Demand for certified alfalfa seed continues to be strong. Common seed markets are trading well below certified seed, providing a significant advantage for those with certified production.

Red Fescue #

The Peace River region continued to see very dry conditions this spring. While most ares have received some moisture recently, it came to late to significantly improve red fescue yields. Red fescue demand has been slow and steady, with prices remaining at similar values to other turf species, limiting distributors’ interest in switching back to red fescue for some mixes.

Timothy Update #

Timothy demand has been steady and supplies are tight. Prices are expected to remain steady.

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