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What is Seed Production?

Many Western Canadian growers don’t know much about forage and turf seed production – but it may be worth considering for your farm.

Forage and turf seed production involves growing species like alfalfa, ryegrass, or fescue that we commonly use for forage and turf applications, but instead managing the crops to harvest their seed. These species are all around us in fields, pastures, golf courses, and lawns, and the seed needed to establish them on yards and farms is a market valued at billions of dollars annually.

Many forage and turf species are well suited to Western Canada, and you can find growers all across the Prairies growing hundreds of thousands of acres for forage and turf seed production each year. This seed is sold not only across Canada, but around the world, and BrettYoung has been a leader in the forage and turf seed business for 90 years. With growing demand for forage and turf seed from the Western Canadian region and BrettYoung recently having opened a new seed processing facility. There are numerous opportunities for new growers to jump into the business.  

Forage and turf seed production offers many advantages for producers. With an excellent profitability track record and distinct markets separate from other commodities, forage and turf seed production can help drive your farm’s profitability and manage your commodity price risk, while providing agronomic and management benefits by spreading out seeding and harvest workloads and increasing organic matter and overall soil health. 

The production process for forage and turf seed varies from species to species and takes a little more management than traditional cereals and oilseeds, but it doesn’t require any specialized equipment to grow or handle the crop – so almost any grower can do it.

BrettYoung has a team of Seed Production Specialists that provide dedicated in-field support to our growers from planting to harvest to delivery to help you get the most out of growing with BrettYoung.

If you’re interested in learning more about forage and turf seed production, we’re hosting a webinar on Jan. 29 at 10 a.m. CST for new growers who want to learn more about producing seed with BrettYoung. To register, click here

You can also contact your local Seed Production Specialist to learn more. 

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