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Find Us at Ag In Motion This Year

The biggest outdoor farm expo in Western Canada is happening this month — and we’ll be there.

Ag In Motion (AIM) is just days away, starting on July 18 for three whole days of ag-related fun. Nearly 600 exhibitors from across the globe will be set up at the show, giving you the opportunity to see the crops, touch the equipment, compare results, and make connections.

The show takes place at Discovery Farm Langham, which is just northwest of Saskatoon. It started just eight years ago and has grown so much since then they’ve needed a bigger space. Now, over 30,000 people attend each year.

At this year’s show, spectators can watch various demonstrations throughout the three-day event.

Equipment demonstrations:

  • High speed tillage demonstration
  • Air seeder demonstration
  • Drone demonstration
  • Various exhibitor demonstrations
  • Sprayer ride and drive
  • Skid steer ride and drive

Livestock demonstrations:

  • Cattle dog competition
  • The Peavey Mart Rural Pavilion
  • Livestock handling equipment demonstrations
  • Feed mixer demonstration
  • Livestock and forage dynamic speaker series

Exhibitors will also be showing their own products, BrettYoung included.

At plot 334, you’ll find us amid yellow canola, bushy soybeans, tall corn, and exceptional forages. At our site, you can see different varieties of each product growing side by side and compare them head-to-head.

In our canola plot, we’re growing BY 7102LL, BY 6217TF, the brand new BY 6216TF, BY 6214TF, and BY 6211TF, along with two new LibertyLink® experimental hybrids and one new TruFlex® experimental hybrid – all three of which feature the Pod DefendR trait, our new shatter reduction technology.

In our soybean plot, you’ll find BY Rundle XT, BY Rainier XT, and our three new varieties, BY Hector XT, BY Robson XT, and BY Deno XT.

We’re also growing each of our corn hybrids, BY Brava RR2 and BY Belmont RR2, along with the new BY Guernsey VT2P RIB and one experimental hybrid.

In our forage plot, you’ll see Hybriforce, Surge HG, Dominator, and tall fescue.

“Seeing the products side by side allows you to make a more informed decision when it comes to your seed,” said Al VanCaeseele, BrettYoung’s Saskatchewan Sales Manager. “You can see what you want right there and compare it to other products.”

At our AIM site, you can also visit with our Regional Account Managers (RAMs) and Seed Production Specialists (SPSs) to learn more about growing BrettYoung products or about partnering with BrettYoung to produce seed.

And if that’s not enough for you, we’ll also have axe throwing at our site under the big, white tent. Thanks to Little Chicago Entertainment, we can bring mobile axe throwing to AIM, so if you want to chuck an axe, stop by anytime during the show.

“The axe throwing is everyone’s favourite part,” said VanCaeseele. “It’s always a lot of fun.”

It’s important to note the show will go on rain or shine. The entire site is 100 acres, and though there are rest stations, it’s recommended you wear comfortable shoes. Parking at the event is free, water will be available throughout each day, and various vendors will be set up for you to eat from, including Biggar Bites, Prairie Poppins, and Smokin’ Outlaws BBQ.

“We’re really excited about this year’s show and seeing everyone there,” said VanCaeseele. “There’ll be a lot to see and a lot to do.”

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