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Selecting a corn hybrid for your needs

When looking at which corn hybrid is best for you, there are a few factors to consider.

It’s important to know your soil type when choosing any kind of product to grow, but especially when it comes to corn. Knowing your area’s soil type and what you can grow within it will help you to get the best quality silage from your crop. Different hybrids perform differently on various soil types, so understanding every aspect of your hybrid is imperative for giving your herd the best silage possible.

“Looking back on last year will help you determine what you need for this year too,” said Vikas Chand, BrettYoung Corn, Soybean, and Biologicals Product Manager. “If you had heavy insect damage, you’ll likely want a RIB variety with insect defense, especially European Corn Corer (ECB).”

As the ECB causes more damage across Western Canada, more growers are turning to corn hybrids that offer above ground protection from the pest. BrettYoung currently has one corn hybrid with the insect resistance trait, BY Guernsey VT2P RIB. VT Double Pro® RIB Complete® Corn offers growers above-ground pest defense, which also allows for a higher yield potential. BY Guernsey VT2P RIB comes equipped with the protection you need, while also giving you excellent late-season staygreen with high grain quality and slow drydown for silage and grazing needs.

When growing corn for beef cattle, you want the tall plants with big ears as they give lots of tonnes of feed. For dairy production, you’ll typically consider nutritional aspects over just tonnage. Metrics like dry matter, starch levels, total digestible nutrients, and fiber content are some important considerations, and a feed test helps in understanding the nutritional value of your corn.

BrettYoung has three corn hybrids, each selected specifically for silage and grazing in Western Canada. BY Brava RR2 and BY Belmont RR2 are Roundup Ready® 2 Corn hybrids, each offering the flexible system you’ve come to know and trust. BY Brava RR2 is a high yielding hybrid with excellent grain quality and slow drydown, giving you a wider harvest window. BY Belmont RR2 is another high yielding hybridwell-suited to longer season areas. With impressive disease tolerance and broad adaptability, both BY Brava RR2 and BY Belmont RR2 stand to the test.

To learn more about BrettYoung corn hybrids, click here.

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