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Corn Feed Quality: Building Your Rations

Did you know the energy in corn silage increases as the plant matures, providing greater feed value for your cows?

There are seemingly endless quirks when it comes to corn. From choosing your hybrid to harvesting it, the questions can be never-ending, so let’s get into some you may have.

As winter starts to set in, it’s imperative you ensure your cattle are getting the most out of their feed. An easy way to do that is with corn silage thanks to its high nutrition and energy. But where do you start when planning a balanced ration for your herd?

Quality Measures #

The first step in determining corn silage quality is through submitting a sample of it to the lab for an analysis on dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), fibre content (ADF, NDF), and energy value (TDN). Once these factors are determined, you can create a balanced and cost-effective ration that will achieve your goal, whether it be for gains or milk production.

Neutral-detergent fiber (NDF) is the measurement of the total fiber content of a forage which includes cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Acid-detergent fiber (ADF) is the measurement of the cellulose, lignin, and pectin fiber fractions of forages which is used to predict energy content of silage, and other forages.

Did you know lower NDF and ADF values are desirable for corn silage? High values indicate the animal would be filling up on high fiber rations with minimal energy content.

Total digestible nutrients (TDN) is the energy content of feeds as the sum of the digestibility of different nutrients including the sum of digestible crude protein, digestible carbohydrates, and digestible fat.

Did you know the estimated TDN for corn silage in Manitoba is 68.2 per cent? This is higher than both alfalfa hay and barley silage, making it a high energy option for cattle producers.

Milk per tonne is an estimate of the milk produced from the energy available from a tonne of corn silage dry matter, which is adjusted for energy required for maintenance of the cow.

Did you know corn silage is typically medium to low for calcium and phosphorus?

A full analysis done on silage quality will help you to determine the required supplementation of minerals and vitamins for your cattle operation. Low sulphur is another issue to watch for in corn silage.

BrettYoung Corn Hybrids #

BrettYoung has three corn hybrids, each selected specifically for silage and grazing. Our newest product is BY Guernsey VT2P RIB, a high-yielding hybrid with excellent late-season stay-green and slow drydown. BY Brava RR2 is also high yielding with a slow drydown and has been widely adapted for use across Western Canada. BY Belmont RR2 too is high yielding with excellent root and stalk strength and impressive disease tolerance.

To learn more about our corn products, click here.

Finalizing Rations #

Corn silage is a great option to mix with other ingredients to make a complete ration. It’s important to keep in mind, when planning any ration, that having a clear feeding goal (maintenance, weight gains, milk production) is the first step. With moist corn silage, an addition of hay will encourage rumination and saliva production for healthier rumen function.

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