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Three New Canola Hybrids for 2025

You asked — and we keep answering.

This year, we’re adding additional LibertyLink® hybrids and one TruFlex™ hybrid to our canola portfolio, each with their own maturity range and traits. After successfully launching BY 7204LL in 2024, we know there’s demand for more. 2024 was another year of continuing our product advancement efforts to test experimental hybrids alongside existing ones and these trials helped us to select three new hybrids for the 2025 season: BY 7206LL, BY 7202LL, and BY 6223TF.

BY 7206LL #

BY 7206LL is a high-yielding, mid-maturity (slightly later than BY 7204LL) canola hybrid that comes equipped with all the defense you could need. Coming in at 106% of InVigor® L340PC, this product doesn’t miss. With DefendR®-rated pod shatter reduction technology, DefendR-rated next-generation clubroot protection, and DefendR-rated blackleg protection, BY 7206LL is sure to fit your farm’s needs.

“BY 7206LL is a great complement to our growing LibertyLink product portfolio,” said Justine Cornelsen, BrettYoung Agronomic & Regulatory Services Manager. “This product performed great in the field this year, and we’re excited to see it growing in fields across Western Canada in the upcoming season.”

BY 7202LL #

BY 7202LL is a hybrid sure to boost your canola harvest. Packed with DefendR-rated pod shatter reduction technology and DefendR-rated next-generation clubroot protection, this product defends your yield and your field. This new hybrid is a mid-maturity plant slightly earlier than BY 7204LL with excellent standability. Ending the season at 101% of InVigor® L340PC, BY 7202LL is not to be taken lightly.

“This product is a great one for growers looking to straight-cut their canola,” said Cornelsen. “The Pod DefendR trait gives growers maximum flexibility when it comes to harvest, allowing you to choose the right management system for you.”

BY 6223TF #

BY 6223TF gives you the flexibility of the TruFlex system, while offering that DefendR protection you trust. Equipped with Pod DefendR and Clubroot DefendR, you can choose your harvest method and be sure clubroot won’t take you down. This hybrid has an early to mid maturity as well, making it a suitable option for almost anywhere in Western Canada. BY 6223TF ended its season at 101% of DK900TF, making it a competitor like no other.

DefendR #

BrettYoung canola hybrids with the DefendR designation have superior harvest management and disease resistance genetics.

All hybrids with the Pod DefendR trait score a minimum of 7.0 on the Canola Council of Canada’s canola shatter rating scale. BrettYoung currently has seven hybrids with Pod DefendR: BY 7206LL, BY 7204LL, BY 7202LL, BY 6223TF, BY 6219TF, BY 6217TF, and BY 6211TF.

Hybrids with Clubroot DefendR have stacked 1st and next-generation clubroot resistance genes that provide protection against a broad array of established and newer pathotypes like 3A, 3D, and 3H. Hybrids with the Blackleg DefendR designationcontain one more major blackleg resistance genes that align with predominant blackleg races, combined with a strong R-rating for adult plant (quantitative) blackleg resistance.

To view all BrettYoung canola hybrids, click here.

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