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Producing Seed for BrettYoung a Profitable Excursion

Our Seed Production Specialists get one common question almost every day: does it pay to grow seed for BrettYoung? Forage and Turf Product Manager Thomas Thiessen says it does – here’s how.

Forage and turf seed crops offer very competitive pricing compared to conventional crops like canola or wheat, but without the same market volatility. Production contracts for forage and turf seed often feature a guaranteed minimum price with the opportunity to capture upside in the market, making seed production more stable for growers.

Growing legumes like alsike clover, red clover, sweet clover, and alfalfa offers a number of benefits for seed growers — one being the reduced input costs for the grower. These crops fix their own nitrogen, so your fertilizer bill is significantly reduced, and these crops improve your overall soil health, offering numerous benefits for growers in ensuing years.

“Legumes are nitrogen fixers,” said Thiessen. “Which means you don’t need to apply any nitrogen to these crops – and there’s a small amount left over for next year’s crop, too.”

Grass seed crops help improve soil organic matter and the crop residue can be baled after harvest for growers to sell, adding money to your pockets. Thiessen said most growers get one or two bales per acre off a crop, depending on the crop and the year.

One often overlooked benefit of producing seed for BrettYoung is time.

“Many species we produce are perennial crops,” said Thiessen. “This means less time needed to seed in the spring as these crops are already established and growing.” 

Perennial ryegrass and tall fescue are harvested in late July or early August too, which is before most other crops, and ultimately spreading out harvest. 

Forage and turf species also offer opportunities to lengthen your crop rotations. A diversity of plant species helps to manage diseases becoming prevalent in many areas, like blackleg and clubroot.   

To learn more about producing seed for BrettYoung, reach out to your local Seed Production Specialist. You can find their contact information here.

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