Showing all 10 results
Shadow III Chewings Fescue
Compare product- Strong shade and drought tolerance
- Ability to withstand low mowing regimes
- Excellent disease resistance
DoubleTake Tall Fescue
Compare product- Eye-catching, premium turf quality across all regions
- Fine leaf texture provides higher density from spring through to fall
- Excellent broad-based disease resistance
Aberdeen Creeping Red Fescue
Compare product- Outstanding drought tolerance
- Performs well in shade and low maintenance areas
- Extreme cold tolerance with aggressive spring green up
Swagger Tall Fescue
Compare product- Drought, wear, traffic and salinity tolerance
- Top-notch disease package
- High endophyte protection from feeding insects
Rev Creeping Red Fescue
Compare product- Strong traffic tolerance
- Suitable for natural and low management applications
- Impressive disease package
Big Horn GT Hard Fescue
Compare product- Displays a pleasing blue-green colour
- Good turf density
- Fine Texture
Soilguard Hard Fescue
Compare product- Displays a medium bright green color
- Good draught tolerance
- Moderate to good shade tolerance
Celestial Creeping Red Fescue
Compare product- Performs very well in low fertility
- Low maintenance and low input requirements
- Summer and winter colour
Heathland Chewings Fescue
Compare product- Low Input Requirements
- Turfgrass Quality
- Disease-Resistance
Nanook Hard Fescue
Compare product- Low Maintenance Requirements
- Low Input Requirements
- Turfgrass Quality