Showing 91–105 of 117 results
BY 6214TF
Compare product- Pod integrity that is suitable for delayed swathing
- Next-generation clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 3A, 3D, and 3H.
- DefendR-rated blackleg protection
Promesse Timothy
Compare product- Early maturing, leafy variety that delivers high quality forage
- Excellent persistence as it was bred in competition with other grass and legume species
- Disease resistance package includes protection from leaf spot, purple eyespot and rust
Purple Top Turnip
Compare product- In season and late season grazing
Rasant Timothy
Compare product- High yields
- Early maturity
- Excellent persistence
- Very leafy
- Highly palatable
Reload Alfalfa
Compare product- Fall Dormancy 4
- High genetic resistance against multiple strains of Aphanomyces
- Broad adaptation to a range of conditions including a high tolerance to saturated soils
- Long and productive stand life
Tall Wheatgrass
Compare product- Adapted to poorly drained alkali soils; prefers a high-water table
- Very tolerant of saline soil conditions
- Coarse leaves have lower palatability
BY 6211TF
Compare product- Pod DefendR - a shatter reduction trait
- DefendR rated Blackleg resistance
- Latest TruFlex herbicide trait technology
BY 6211TF
Compare product- Pod DefendR - a shatter reduction trait
- DefendR rated Blackleg resistance
- Latest TruFlex herbicide trait technology
Huia White Clover
Compare product- Low growing
- Tolerant to close mowing and grazing
Pubescent Wheatgrass
Compare product- Widely adapted; prefers well drained soils with adequate moisture
- Produces good yields of high quality
- Include other grass or alfalfa components in a blend to maximize forage production
Sorghum Sudangrass
Compare product- Triazine Tolerant
Stronghold Alfalfa
Compare product- Fall Dormancy 3
- A high-quality tap root alfalfa that will stand the test of time
- Excellent winter survival while providing excellent late season regrowth
- Outstanding disease resistance to ensure great stand survival
BY 6207TF
Compare product- TruFlex™ canola hybrid
- Next generation Clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 3A, 3D, and 3H.
- Medium-long maturity
BY 6207TF
Compare product- TruFlex™ canola hybrid
- Next generation Clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, 3D and others
- Medium-long maturity
Cicer Milkvetch
Compare product- Ideal pasture legume that performs well in dryland conditions
- Improved seedling vigour and regrowth after cutting
- Long-lived, rhizomatous, bloat free legume