Showing 61–75 of 98 results
BY 6216TF
Compare product- DefendR-rated next-generation clubroot protection
- A unique blackleg major resistance gene effective against predominant blackleg races
- Mid-maturity suitable for mid and long-season zones
- TruFlex canola hybrid equipped with the latest in herbicide trait technology
BY 6216TF
Compare product- DefendR-rated next-generation clubroot protection
- A unique blackleg major resistance gene effective against predominant blackleg races
- Mid-maturity suitable for mid and long-season zones
- TruFlex canola hybrid equipped with the latest in herbicide trait technology
Fairway Crested Wheatgrass
Compare product- Diploid type that is best suited to pasture or a dryland turf component
- Excellent winterhardiness bred for the Canadian climate
- Shorter stature with finer leaves and stems
Hairy Vetch
Compare product -
Summergraze Timothy
Compare product- Intermediate timothy that exhibits medium maturity
- Rapid spring vigour and season long persistence
- Very leafy plant contributes to high forage quality
Sweet Clover (Yellow & White Blossom)
Compare product- Widely used as a green manure and soil improvement crop
- More heat and drought resistant than alfalfa
- Abundant biomass and moderate amounts of nitrogen
Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Long lived and highly palatable pasture grass
- Tolerance to flooding and close grazing
- Spreading rhizomes that are very persistent
Tored Meadow Fescue
Compare product- Excellent early season growth
- Basal leaf growth that is very palatable in hay or pasture
- Good winterhardiness that is less variable than ryegrass
Aurora Alsike Clover
Compare product- Tolerant to poorly drained soils
- Excellent winterhardiness
- Flood tolerance 7–14 days
Boreal Creeping Red Fescue
Compare product- Developed in Canada as a general-purpose variety for turf and pasture
- Excels in seedling vigor and establishment
- Tolerates close grazing and survives drought
BY 6214TF
Compare product- Pod integrity that is suitable for delayed swathing
- Next-generation clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, 3D and others
- DefendR-rated blackleg protection
BY 6214TF
Compare product- Pod integrity that is suitable for delayed swathing
- Next-generation clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 3A, 3D, and 3H.
- DefendR-rated blackleg protection
Promesse Timothy
Compare product- Early maturing, leafy variety that delivers high quality forage
- Excellent persistence as it was bred in competition with other grass and legume species
- Disease resistance package includes protection from leaf spot, purple eyespot and rust
Purple Top Turnip
Compare product- In season and late season grazing
Rasant Timothy
Compare product- High yields
- Early maturity
- Excellent persistence
- Very leafy
- Highly palatable