Showing 181–195 of 270 results
TurfRx NatureCur
Compare product- Key product for root development
- Enhances summer performance of Redox programs
- Reduces plant stress through nutrition
WaterWorks Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Drought-Resistance / Water Savings
- Genetic Color
- Traffic Wear Tolerance, Dollar Spot Resistance
Milagro Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Exhibits high wear tolerance
- Good heat and drought tolerance
- Rapid establishment
TurfRx OxyCal
Compare product- Highly available potassium, oxygen, and calcium nutrition
- Flexible benefits from either foliar or soil applications
- Beneficial for a broad range of stress issues
Prosperity Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- High heat and drought tolerance
- Low growth habit
- Tolerates low mowing
TurfRx Ca
Compare product- Highly available, reacted calcium product
- Applied at very low rates with high uptake
- Can be applied with TurfRx P+ in the same tank
Skye Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Strongest sod strength out of 173 varieties in a 2001 National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) study
- Dark green colour with strong wear tolerance and excellent density
- Very good stem rust resistance
TurfRx Si
Compare product- Highly available, reacted calcium product
- Applied at very low rates with high uptake
- Silicon improves ball roll with stiffer leaf blade
Endurance Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- An elite bluegrass for sod production
- Good resistance to salt, dollar spot, summer patch and pink snow mold.
- Exceptional leaf spot and rust resistance
HydroStraw Guar Plus
Compare product- Like HydroStraw with the added loading capacity
- With 3% guar tackifier for additional performance
- Application rates 2,000-4,000 lbs per acre
Prairie Sandreed
Compare product- Long-lived, warm season perennial
- Great erosion control due to very deep root system
- Important species for stabilizing sandy sites
Steel Loose Staples
Compare product- 11 Gauge Steel Wire Staples
TurfRx PeneCal
Compare product- Flagship product, combination of Ca and penetrant
- Increases uniformity of moisture in rootzone
- Aids in nutrient uptake
Full Moon Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Rich dark green color, with a medium-fine leaf texture.
- Good heat and drought tolerance
- Adapted to well-drained soils
TurfRx Xtraction
Compare product- Highly available, soluble carbon product
- Increases beneficial soil microbial activity
- Releases tied up soil nutrients