Plant Growth Regulator - BrettYoung
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Plant Growth Regulator

Experience Easier Harvest and More Profits

Available exclusively from BrettYoung, PARLAY® is a plant growth regulator for turf-type perennial ryegrass seed production — it decreases plant height and reduces the lodging that can rob growers of yield. Increase your swathing and harvesting speed and add more profit to your farming operation!

Plant Growth Regulators

  • Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) are readily used around the world for grass seed production​
  • The majority of perennial ryegrass acres in New Zealand, Oregon and Minnesota are treated with plant growth regulators
  • Manitoba seed growers have seen yield increases of 200 LB/Acre, plus improved ease of harvest management


  • Higher Yield – Western Canadian growers have seen 10%+ yield advantage
  • Harvestability – Faster swathing speed and easier handling with less dry matter
  • More Profit

Manitoba Forage Seed Association Trial Sites 

These trials explored the effect nitrogen ramping and Parlay application would have on lodging and seed yield in perennial ryegrass. In this trial there are two different fertility treatments: 120 lbs N and 180 lbs N and 3 different Parlay treatments: 0.5L/ac, 0.7L ac, and 1.0L/ac. Higher Parlay application rates resulted in greater seed yield and shorter plant height which significantly reduced lodging

Plant Growth Regulator
Plant Growth Regulator

“Applying Parlay to perennial ryegrass is a logical choice with a net profit increase of 12-15% with 120 lbs/ac in Calrin and 5-12% in Homewood.”

-Marc Vincent, BScH., MSc,  MFSA Research Manager

Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Perennial Ryegrass in Manitoba

Plant Growth Regulator


Plant Growth Regulator

From scouting and selection of production fields, fertility programs, pest management and growth regulator recommendations to swathing, harvest timing and cover crop management, a dedicated Seed Production Specialist is with you every step of the way to help maximize returns.

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Plant Growth Regulator

What our Perennial Ryegrass Seed Production video to learn about a key contracting species and the agronomic benefits seed growers have experienced.

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Plant Growth Regulator

Download our Seed Production Guide for more information on forage and turf species we routinely contract.

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