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Securus™ is a proprietary seed enhancement used to improve the appearance, handling, and agronomics of our best seed varieties. Securus seed coatings deliver market-leading durability and improved seed flow with less dust-off.  Securus is also bacteria friendly and pH neutral, ensuring optimum on-seed survival of rhizobia inoculants.

Securus includes the precise layering of Apron XL® fungicide to guard against diseases that can inhibit emergence, plant stand, plant health, and ultimately yield potential.  It also includes OMRI-certified Nitragin® Gold inoculant on alfalfa and other legumes to deliver high levels of nitrogen fixation through specially selected natural rhizobia strains.


Benefits of Securus

  • Helps with flowability and accurate seed placement
  • Consistent seed appearance and improved visibility in the soil
  • Fungicide and inoculant are layered on alfalfa to aid in seedling health and nitrogen fixation
  • Fungicide is layered on grasses to aid in seeding health

Seed Coating

BrettYoung seed coating gives your seed every chance to succeed. The precise layering of fungicide and inoculant on-seed provides value-added benefits. At our state-of-the-art seed coating facility, we enhance the appearance, handling, and agronomics of our best seed products with Securus Seed Enhancement technology.