Showing 1–15 of 26 results
Compare product- Reliable preventative and curative pythium control
- Low resistance potential
- No documented field resistance development for over 20 years of commercial use
Dedicate® Stressgard®
Compare product- Winterlong protection against snow mould diseases
- Preventative control of summer patch, dollar spot, and anthracnose
- The only co-formulated strobilurin based fungicide
Exteris™ Stressgard®
Compare product- Dual stacked formulation technology
- Outstanding 21- and 28-day dollar spot control
- Enhanced plant health benefits along with improved turf quality
Mirage™ Stressgard®
Compare product- Powerful systemic control of tough foliar and soil borne diseases
- Broad-spectrum control of many basidiomycete and ascomycete diseases of turfgrass
- Stressgard Formulation Technology helps minimize growth regulator effects typically associated with DMI fungicide applications
Signature XTRA™ Stressgard®
Compare product- Systemic fungicide with the enhanced plant health benefits of the Stressgard formulation
- Improved putting green plant health during periods of stress
- Control of brown patch, dollar spot and leaf spot
Insignia® Pro
Compare product- Combines two liquid snow mold control products with excellent control of grey and pink snow mold
- Convenient co-pack for easy handling and mixing
- Full rates of two effective snow mold control products
Compare product- Up to 28 days of control of more than twenty turf diseases
- Dry granule formulation
- Control of summer patch, anthracnose and dollar spot
Compare product- Controls key turf diseases like dollar spot and brown patch.
- Enhances turf resilience with Intrinsic™ Technology.
- Environmentally responsible, reducing treatment frequency.
Suspend PolyZone®
Compare product- Highly efficacious
- Fast acting
- Broad-spectrum surface insecticide
Compare product- Advanced turfgrass safety on any turf, in any season
- Superior control of dollar spot, spring dead spot, anthracnose, fairy ring and summer patch
- New binding activity to control biotypes that may have developed resistance to other DMI fungicides
Compare product- Preventative and curative properties to ensure dollar-spot-free fairways, tees and greens
- The longest residuals in the industry — up to 28 days
- Pigments easily mix for desired turf appearance
Compare product- Effective, safe herbicide for Silvery thread moss
- Fast moss decline symptoms
- Flexible use rate for easy integration
Compare product- Works through contact activity for up to 14 days of control
- Tank mix compatible, good partner with Tourney for control of listed diseases and dollar spot
- Excellent rotation partner for managing resistance to SDHI and DMI fungicides
Compare product- Systemic activity works quickly to control a broad spectrum of the toughest turf diseases
- New generation fungicide delivers exceptional turf quality
- Low use rates lessen the environmental load
Chlorothalonil 720F
Compare product- Excellent tank mix capability
- Multi-site activity means no disease resistance with repeated use
- Economical broad-spectrum disease control