Showing 16–26 of 26 results
Compare product- Fluazinam is the only Group 29 fungicide
- Its multi-site action minimizes resistance risk
- Combined with Chlorothalonil, it ensures season-long protection
Compare product- Group 12 contact fungicide
- Excellent snow mould and brown patch control
- Range of tank mix options
Strobe™ 50 WG
Compare product- Preventative and curative activity
- Affects every stage of fungal disease development
- Absorbed through a plants leaves, crowns and roots
Propiconazole 14.3 ME
Compare product- Microemulsion formulation has less odour than other blends
- Good tank stability
- Full plant coverage
Compare product- Consistent broad-spectrum control of tough annual and perennial turf weeds
- Three-way active ingredient formulation provides strong take-down of the toughest weeds
- Excellent systemic control of emerged weeds
Velocity® SP
Compare product- For golf courses and sod farms to remove annual bluegrass
- Selectively reduces the presence of Poa with certain species of turf
- Offers suppression of dandelion, white cover and dollar spot
Compare product- Effective control
- Long application window
- Application flexibility, exceptional plant safety
Munger Horticultural Vinegar PLUS
Compare product- Eco friendly weed control
- Natural surfactant formulation
- Full strength use
Compare product- Flexible, low use rates
- Preventative and early curative control of white scrubs, ABW, caterpillars and chinch bugs
- Rapid plant uptake and translocation
T-Nex™ ME
Compare product- Stimulates production of healthy, durable blades in turfgrass
- Odourless microemulsion concentrate
- Impedes vertical shoot growth
Anuew ™
Compare product- Fast improvement of turfgrass density and appearance
- Long lasting and more active at lower application rates
- Late-stage inhibitor that evenly regulates Poa in mixed stands