Showing 316–330 of 766 results
Compare product- Consistent management of water repellency
- Long lasting 90-day guaranteed control
- Improves and maintains turf quality
Compare product- Enhance Visual Metering
- Concentrated dye marker
- Improves visual metering and enhances mulch colour
Compare product- Améliorer la mesure visuelle
- Marqueur colorant concentré
- Améliore le dosage visuel et rehausse la couleur du paillis
Sprint Maxx
Compare product- Rapid establishment and forage production
- Great nurse crop
- Excellent forage yield and quality
Summergraze Timothy
Compare product- Intermediate timothy that exhibits medium maturity
- Rapid spring vigour and season long persistence
- Very leafy plant contributes to high forage quality
Summergraze Timothy
Compare product- Intermediate timothy that exhibits medium maturity
- Rapid spring vigour and season long persistence
- Very leafy plant contributes to high forage quality
Sweet Clover (Yellow & White Blossom)
Compare product- Widely used as a green manure and soil improvement crop
- More heat and drought resistant than alfalfa
- Abundant biomass and moderate amounts of nitrogen
Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Long lived and highly palatable pasture grass
- Tolerance to flooding and close grazing
- Spreading rhizomes that are very persistent
Tored Meadow Fescue
Compare product- Excellent early season growth
- Basal leaf growth that is very palatable in hay or pasture
- Good winterhardiness that is less variable than ryegrass
Tribal Perennial Ryegrass
Compare product- Excellent digestibility and feed value attributable to breeding efforts to reduce heading
- Strong yield with aggressive regrowth
- Persistence in harsh conditions
Compare product- Contrôle régulier et à large spectre des mauvaises herbes annuelles et vivaces résistantes.
- La formulation de trois ingrédients actifs permet de détruire les mauvaises herbes les plus coriaces.
- Excellent contrôle systémique des mauvaises herbes levées
Compare product- Consistent broad-spectrum control of tough annual and perennial turf weeds
- Three-way active ingredient formulation provides strong take-down of the toughest weeds
- Excellent systemic control of emerged weeds
27-4-10 50% TTRU, 2% Mg, SPM
Compare product- Controlled Release nitrogen product featuring TTRU
- Well balanced formulation
- Added Mg for improved turf health
27-4-10 50% TTRU, 2% Mg, SPM
Compare product- Produit azoté à libération contrôlée avec TTRU
- Une formulation bien équilibrée
- Ajout de magnésium pour une meilleure santé du gazon
Bentgrass Pure Select
Compare product- L'agrostide la plus vendue de BrettYoung
- Résistance exceptionnelle aux maladies
- Forte tolérance à la chaleur, au froid et à l'usure