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Bigbang Annual Ryegrass

Explosive Vigour and Unparalleled Quality


Bigbang is a new Westerwold annual ryegrass for hay, silage, grazing or cover crop applications. Bigbang is a tetraploid selected for early heading, leafiness, yield and disease resistance. It provides high quality forage, consistent yields and excellent regrowth. Bigbang is highly adaptable for use as a cover crop, its deep roots build soil structure and increase organic matter.


  • Tetraploid type selected for early heading, leafiness, yield and disease resistance
  • High quality and persistent forage production
  • Deep roots build soil structure and increase organic matter

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Bigbang Annual Ryegrass

VarietyBigbang Annual Ryegrass
UseHay & Pasture
Root HabitBunch-grass
Plant TypeBasal
Preferred Growing ConditionsSoil of medium to high fertility with adequate moisture
Production PeriodMid to Late Summer, Fall
  • Prone to drought stress
Approx. Seeds/lb220,000
Seeding Rate lb/acre20-30


Environmental Tolerances
Drought ToleranceLow
Flooding ToleranceHigh
Optimum PH5.5 – 7.5
Acidity ToleranceModerate to High
Alkalinity ToleranceLow to Moderate
Salinity ToleranceLow to Moderate

​Yield Trial

2013 Seeding of Annual Ryegrass (Spooner Agricultural Research Station, Spooner Wisconsin)

Bigbang Annual Ryegrass

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