Our dedicated team of Seed Production Specialists aim to understand your farming operation and provide agronomic support to help you get the most out of your seed production fields. These practices include scouting and selection of production fields, fertility programs, pesticide and growth regulator recommendations, swathing and harvest timing, and cover crop management.
Seed Production Specialists are there every step of the way to help growers maximize returns. Some of the services you can expect are outlined in the chart below.

Benefits Of Seed Production
Risk Diversification
Producing forage and turf seed allows producers to expand their rotations and diversify risk. Many of our seed producers have incorporated forage and turf seed production as a regular part of their cropping plans.
Agronomic Benefits of Grass Seed Production
- Early harvest splits up fall workload
- Increases organic matter, helps improve less productive or questionable soils
- Some species have tolerance to salinity, alkalinity and acidity
- Break-crop effect of grasses will benefit following annual crops
Agronomic tip – turf crops are high moisture and nitrogen users. Many producers have had success following turf crops with soybeans or peas.
Agronomic Benefits of Legume Seed Production
- Improves soil tilth
- Low input user
- Nitrogen fixation
- Late harvest splits up fall workload
- Break-crop effect of legumes will benefit following annual crops
Economic Benefits of Seed Production
Forage and turf seed production has an excellent profitability track record. It has consistently penciled out at or near the top in profitability. Many of BrettYoung’s seed production contracts allow growers to lock in these high price levels and do not limit upside, which can really help add to a farm’s bottom-line.

From scouting and selection of production fields, fertility programs, pest management and growth regulator recommendations to swathing, harvest timing and cover crop management, a dedicated Seed Production Specialist is with you every step of the way to help maximize returns.