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Promesse Timothy

Promesse timothy is  selected for its early maturity, leafiness, disease resistance and persistence when planted with other grass and legume species.  It is a highly palatable blend component that delivers abundant yields in hay or pasture applications. Promesse timothy has demonstrated forage yield performance that is 5-10% above Climax and other established checks.


  • Early maturity
  • Excellent persistence
  • High yields, especially in multi-species blends
  • Extremely leafy and highly palatable
  • Excellent disease resistance package

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​Early Maturity

Promesse timothy is a variety selected for its earlier maturing characteristics. It is well suited for the farmer looking for the many advantages of Climax, but would like earlier maturity. It has performed well when used in pasture mixes, or blended with forage crops when cutting for hay. It grows well in a variety of soil conditions.

​Yield Results

Promesse, in dry matter yield tests have out yielded other timothy varieties, including Climax, by 5 – 10%.

​Disease Resistance

Promesse is highly resistant to leaf rust, leaf spot and purole eyespot.


Variety Promesse Timothy
Use Hay & Pasture
Root Habit Bunch-grass
Plant Type Basal
Preferred Growing Conditions Adapted to cool, moist areas: good tolerance to waterlogged soils
Production Period Spring – Summer
  • Not saline or drought tolerant
  • Not tolerant to continuous grazing
Approx. Seeds/lb 1,200,000
Seeding Rate lb/acre 3-6


Environmental Tolerances
Winterhardiness Very Good
Drought Tolerance Low
Flooding Tolerance High
Optimum PH 5.6 – 7.3
Acidity Tolerance High
Alkalinity Tolerance Low
Salinity Tolerance Low


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