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Wholesale Turf Seed Portal

We Seed Solutions. Not Just Turf.

We are a full-service turf seed supplier – but our business is really about growing yours.

Wholesale Turf Seed Portal

High-Service, High Value Turf Seed

Whether it’s professional, municipal or consumer turf applications, we have got your seed solution.

Wholesale Turf Seed Portal

We Deliver The Best Turf Seed Solutions

With elite genetics and a carefully-protected production process, you can rest assured of market-leading quality and performance.

We’re in the business of bringing only the best turf seed and service to market. With access to elite genetics from breeders around the world and a carefully-protected production process, you can be assured of high-performance and market-leading turf quality. Whether it’s coating, blending, tagging or even small consumer packages, we have got your cool-season turf solution. Get what you want, shipped the way you want it, when you need it.

Wholesale Turf Categories

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass is a hard-working, cool-season bunchgrass known for its great overall turf quality, quick establishment, and excellent wear tolerance. Perennial ryegrass thrives in regions where summers are moderate and winters are cool and therefore, makes a suitable species for winter overseeding in the United States to keep fairways and lawns green, but can also be used as perennial turf in more mild climates.

Tall Fescue

Prized for its adaptability to many climates, tall fescue is a low-maintenance turfgrass that exhibits good tolerance to heat, shade, heavy traffic. Tall fescue’s deep root system provides great drought tolerance.  It is a popular grass for lawns and athletic fields, and its heat and drought tolerance provide added value as an excellent cool-season turfgrass for the United States transition zone.

Fine Fescue

Fine fescue is known for its fine-textured leaves that grow well in shady areas. It is an excellent low-maintenance species which makes it tolerant to low fertility and therefore, can use less nitrogen and water to keep itself growing. Fine fescue is well suited to northern climates as it has good cold resistance. Root systems vary between various types in this species. Creeping red fescue is rhizomatous, while chewings fescue and hard fescue are bunch type grasses.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky bluegrass is a widely prized cool-season turfgrass used in home, professional turf, and sod applications. Because of its fine leaves, vibrant color, density, and excellent turf quality, many classify Kentucky bluegrass as the species that will provide the most ideal lawn. Due to its well-rounded characteristics, Kentucky bluegrass is a great fit for pure stands or multi-species blends.

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We recognize that water conservation is a primary concern for our customers. As the only Canadian Class-A Member of TWCA, we bring to market turfgrass varieties that have been rigorously tested to meet the most stringent criteria of water usage and conservation methods.

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