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Replenish™ 8-2-2

Replenish™ 8-2-2 is a cost effective blend of ammonia sulfate and the Replenish compost.

Replenish compost is superior to sludge based organics, because it is a rich egg layer compost that has not been pasteurized. It is very biologically active and will provide your turf with a mineral and nutrient rich fertilizer that will produce a rich deep color with long lasting results. The ammonium sulfate provides a quick green-up and can help release tied up calcium and lower soil pH. The combination of Replenish compost with its ability to hold water and build soils, and ammonium sulfate which does not leach as quickly as other synthetic nitrogen products, makes this an ideal dormant feed product, a good spring green up product and an exceptional post summer recovery product.

Total Nitrogen (N) …………………………….. 8.00%
6.30% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
1.50% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
.20% Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) ……………….. 2.00%
Soluble Potash (K2O) …………………………. 2.00%
Calcium (Ca)……………………………………..6.15%
Sulfur (S) ………………………………………… 7.20%
7.20% Combined Sulfur

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Tees/FairwaysAll SeasonComposted Poultry Manure Ammonium Sulphate
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