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Dominator Perennial Ryegrass

Dominate Harsh Conditions


Dominator perennial ryegrass has been bred to withstand challenging conditions. Dominator has exceptional levels of resistance to crown rust, stem rust and red thread as well as strong resistance to gray leaf spot and excellent salt tolerance. It has excellent drought tolerance and will maintain a high level of green cover and turf quality through periods of high heat and low moisture. Dominator is visually appealing and provides a high-quality turf that looks as good as it performs.


  • Exceptional disease resistance
  • Excellent salt tolerance
  • Drought tolerance
  • Visually appealing, high-quality turf

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Dominator Perennial Ryegrass


Characteristics & Adaptation
TypePerennial Ryegrass
Wear ToleranceLow
Drought ToleranceHigh
Salt ToleranceHigh
High EndophyteNo
Disease ResistanceExcellent
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