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BY 7102LL

Our Premier LibertyLink® Hybrid with Clubroot and Blackleg DefendR® Protection, and Full- Season Yield Potential

  • Next-generation clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 3A, 3D, and 3H.
  • DefendR-rated blackleg protection

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BY 7102LL

BY 7102LL Characteristics
System LibertyLink
Relative Days to Maturity 91
Clubroot R (Next Generation Resistance)
Blackleg R-CF
Major Gene ID RLM3, RLM9
Harvestability Excellent
Lodging Rating 1
Seed Treatment Options Click Here

Performance in Trials

BY 7102LL

1 Maturity ratings based on InVigor L340PC
2 Maturity based on NDSU and private trial data converted to 90 DTM base
3 Canadian registration trial
* 1st generation resistance means resistant to pathotypes 2F, 3H, 5I, 6M and 8N (these are equivalent to pathotypes 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 on the Williams’ differential set).
Ratings: 1 = Excellent, 2 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 4 = Fair
Disease Ratings: R = Resistant, IT = Improved Tolerance vs susceptible varieties

BY 7102LL

Seed Treatment Options

Base Seed Treatment:
Helix Saltro Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 1:

Helix Saltro Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 2:

BY 7102LL

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Blackleg DefendR Canola

The best line of defense against Blackleg lies in planting resistant hybrids.

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Pod DefendR

Our new pod shatter-resistance trait, which is non-GMO, delivers dependable levels of shattering toleranc

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    • Next generation Clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 3A, 3D, and 3H.
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