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Blend 4440 Alfalfa

The Premier Certified Alfalfa Blend in the Canadian Prairies

Blend 4440 is a mixture of premium, certified alfalfas specifically developed to combine the strengths of our best varieties: high yields, superior winterhardiness, disease resistance, multi-foliate expression, and unique rooting habits. The unique strengths of this blend offer suitability to a wide range of growing conditions.

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Demand the best, insist on BLEND 4440 ALFALFA

VarietyBlend 4440
Root HabitMixed
Plant TypeUpright
Preferred Growing ConditionsWidely Adapted
Production PeriodSpring – Fall
Key Features
  • Blend of certified varieties
  • Widely adapted
  • High yield potential
  • Excellent winterhardiness
  • Disease resistance
  • Bloat hazard
  • Needs good drainage
Approx. Seeds/lb225,000


Environmental Tolerances
Winter HardinessVery Good
Drought ToleranceGood
Flooding ToleranceLow
Optimus PH6.0-7.8
Acidity ToleranceLow to Moderate
Alkalinity ToleranceModerate to High
Salinity ToleranceLow to Moderate


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