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BY 7202LL

Boost Your Canola Harvest, This Hybrid Features Pod DefendR Shatter-Reduction and Cutting-Edge Clubroot Protection

  • An earlier mid-maturity hybrid
  • Pod DefendR shatter reduction
  • Next-generation clubroot protection

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BY 7202LL

BY 7202LL Characteristics
System LibertyLink
Maturity Mid
Clubroot R (Next Generation Resistance)
Blackleg R-C
Major Gene ID RLM3
Standability Excellent
Seed Treatment Options Click Here
Pod Shatter Rating 7.0

Performance in Trials

BY 7202LL

1 Maturity ratings based on comparison to L 340PC.
2 The pod shatter tolerance rating is based on the Canola Council of Canada’s shatter tolerance scale of 1 – 9. 1 = poor, 9= excellent. Results may vary slightly on your farm due to environmental factors and management practices.
Next-generation resistance includes pathotypes covered by first generation resistance plus resistance to newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, 3D, and other prevalent pathotypes.
Ratings: 1 = Excellent, 2 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 4 = Fair
Disease Ratings: R = Resistant, IT = Improved Tolerance vs susceptible varieties

BY 7202LL

Seed Treatment Options

Base Seed Treatment:
Helix Saltro Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 1:

Fortenza Advanced Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 2:

BUTEO start logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 3:

BUTEO start logo     BY 7202LL

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