Showing all 8 results
Shadow III Chewings Fescue
Compare product- Strong shade and drought tolerance
- Ability to withstand low mowing regimes
- Excellent disease resistance
Reservoir Perennial Ryegrass
Compare product- Proven ability to tolerate less water, drought stress, and recover faster from drought
- High endophyte content and strong disease package
- Excellent traffic tolerance
Big Horn GT Hard Fescue
Compare product- Displays a pleasing blue-green colour
- Good turf density
- Fine Texture
Celestial Creeping Red Fescue
Compare product- Performs very well in low fertility
- Low maintenance and low input requirements
- Summer and winter colour
Heathland Chewings Fescue
Compare product- Low Input Requirements
- Turfgrass Quality
- Disease-Resistance
Bedazzled Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Traffic Wear Tolerance
- Brown Patch and Typhula Blight Resistance
- Low and Slow Growth Pattern
Full Moon Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Rich dark green color, with a medium-fine leaf texture.
- Good heat and drought tolerance
- Adapted to well-drained soils
Tirem Kentucky Bluegrass
Compare product- Germinates and establishes rapidly
- Great turf performance even with reduced fertilizer and watering
- Can handle low mowing .50” (1.25 cm.)