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Fine Fescue


Fine Fescue

Hard Working, Shade Tolerant Turf

Fine fescue is known for its fine-textured leaves that grow well in shady areas. It is an excellent low-maintenance species which makes it tolerant to low fertility and therefore, can use less nitrogen and water to keep itself growing. Fine fescue is well suited to northern climates as it has good cold resistance. Root systems vary between various types in this species. Creeping red fescue is rhizomatous, while chewings fescue and hard fescue are bunch type grasses.

We are a long-standing contractor and buyer of fine fescues in the Peace River Region. Our Rycroft, Alberta processing facility is dedicated to the cleaning, processing and distribution of strong creeper. In addition to Boreal, we market improved varieties that have shown in-demand turf characteristics.


Fine Fescue

We recognize that water conservation is a primary concern for our customers. As the only Canadian Class-A Member of TWCA, we bring to market turfgrass varieties that have been rigorously tested to meet the most stringent criteria of water usage and conservation methods.

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