Showing 346–360 of 766 results
16-0-31 50% TTRU, SOP
Compare product- SGN 240
- Controlled Release Nitrogen product featuring TTRU
- Good source of Potassium for increased plant health in fall
16-0-31 50% TTRU, SOP
Compare product- SGN 240
- Produit d'azote à libération contrôlée présentant le TTRU
- Bonne source de potassium pour une meilleure santé des plantes en automne
Penn A-4 Bentgrass
Compare product- Exceptional heat and cold resistance
- Fine leaf texture for great putting surfaces
- Good Spring green up, medium dark colour
Penn A-4 Bentgrass
Compare product- Résistance exceptionnelle à la chaleur et au froid
- Texture fine des feuilles pour de superbes surfaces de jeu
- Bon verdissement au printemps, couleur moyennement foncée
30-1-10 65% ProNexx, 2% Fe, SN, SOP
Compare product- Stabilized Nitrogen product featuring ProNexx
- Helps control nitrogen loss due to ammonia volatilization
- Consistent performance across varying soil conditions
30-1-10 65% ProNexx, 2% Fe, SN, SOP
Compare product- Produit à base d'azote stabilisé présentant ProNexx
- Aide à contrôler les pertes d'azote dues à la volatilisation de l'ammoniac
- Des performances constantes dans des conditions de sol variées
Aurora Alsike Clover
Compare product- Tolerant to poorly drained soils
- Excellent winterhardiness
- Flood tolerance 7–14 days
Blue Granular
Compare product- Usable as a lake/pond colourant or spray pattern indicator
- Easy-to-use water-soluble delivery method
- Solupaks dissolve and release the ultra-pure granules quickly and evenly through the water
Granulés bleus
Compare product- Utilisable comme colorant pour les lacs et les étangs ou comme indicateur de pulvérisation.
- Méthode d'administration hydrosoluble facile à utiliser
- Les Solupaks dissolvent et libèrent les granulés ultra-purs rapidement et uniformément dans l'eau.
Boreal Creeping Red Fescue
Compare product- Developed in Canada as a general-purpose variety for turf and pasture
- Excels in seedling vigor and establishment
- Tolerates close grazing and survives drought
BY 6214TF
Compare product- Pod integrity that is suitable for delayed swathing
- Next-generation clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, 3D and others
- DefendR-rated blackleg protection
BY 6214TF
Compare product- Pod integrity that is suitable for delayed swathing
- Next-generation clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 3A, 3D, and 3H.
- DefendR-rated blackleg protection
ConTack® Adhésif organique
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ConTack® Organic Tackifier
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Crystal BlueLinks Bentgrass
Compare product- Resistant to brown patch and dollar spot
- Very good winter color
- Quick spring green-up