Creeping red fescue is a long-lived perennial but the seed production life of a stand is typically short, lasting one or two years. On rare occasions a third year may be harvested. Creeping red fescue seed is used for turf, forage and reclamation purposes. The largest end use is for amenity purposes like lawns, parks, fairways and playgrounds.
Field Selection
Creeping red fescue is a long-lived perennial with a short seed production stand life of one or two years. On rare occasions, the crop will allow for a third harvest. Creeping red fescue seed is used for forage, turf and reclamation purposes with the largest end-use market being low-maintenance turf applications.
Weed & Disease Control
Wild oats, cleavers and quackgrass are the worst weed problems. Most broadleaf weeds can be controlled with herbicides; however, there is no in-crop control for quackgrass. A fungicide application may be required at flowering.
Most conventional seeding equipment can be used. Seeding rates vary from 1 to 5 lbs/acre.
Swathing of creeping red fescue is typically done late July to early August and is generally 20 to 30 days after pollination. Timing of swathing is field dependent, and seed head stage should be monitored often to avoid swathing too early or too late. Seed moisture should be 12% or less before harvesting. If aeration (without heat) is available it may be harvested at higher moisture levels.
Swathing is typically the third or fourth week of July and is generally 20 – 30 days after pollination. Timing of swathing is field dependent and seed head stage should be monitored often so as not to swath too early or too late. Seed moisture should be 12.5% or less before harvesting unless it is aerated without heat.
Production Benefits
- Multiple crop years reduce workload
during planting season - Early harvest splits up fall workload
- Increases soil organic matter
- Break-crop effect benefits annual crops in rotation
Features | |
Seeding Rate | 1 – 5 lbs/acre |
Seeding Depth | Max ½ inch |
Row Spacing | 7 – 15 inches |
Seed Production Life | 2 years |
Companion Crop | Wheat or none |
Soil pH | 5.0 – 6.5 |
Fertility | Low fertility |
Swath Timing | Late July to early August |
Harvest Timing | 7 – 10 days after swathing |
Seed Moisture | Dry is 12% |
Seed Value (Est.) | $0.75 – $1.25 / lb |
Seed Yield (Average) | 400 – 1,100+ (650) lbs/acre |
Cost of Production | Low |
Moisture Chart

From scouting and selection of production fields, fertility programs, pest management and growth regulator recommendations to swathing, harvest timing and cover crop management, a dedicated Seed Production Specialist is with you every step of the way to help maximize returns.