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Velocity® SP

Velocity® SP herbicide is the best way to convert Poa-infested turf back to creeping bentgrass

A post-emergent herbicide, Velocity gives golf course superintendents an effective way to make a gradual transition from annual bluegrass infested turf to pure stands of creeping bentgrass. Velocity provides secondary benefits by suppressing dollar spot and controlling other pesky broadleaf weeds.

  • The only option available in Canada for golf courses and sod farms to remove annual bluegrass
  • Selectively reduces the presence of Poa with certain species of turf including creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue
  • Offers suppression of dandelion, white cover and dollar spot

Active Ingredients: Bispyribac sodium (76.1%)

Package Size:5×56.7g water soluble granules

PCP Number: 28833


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Weeds Control/Suppression
Bedstraw Control
Black medic (yellow clover) Control
Buttercup Control
Chickweed (common) Control
Clover Control
Dandelion Control
Devil’s paint brush Control
English daisy Control
Ground Daisy Control
Ground ivy (creeping Charlie, knotweed) Control
Heal all Control
Plantain (common) Control
Poison ivy Control
Ragweed Control
Shepherd’s-purse Control
White Clover Control
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