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pHusion Manganese

pHusion Manganese 7% 0.5-0-0, is a low nitrogen solution, acid-based manganese liquid that is ideal for correcting manganese deficiencies in the soil.

The acid-based liquid formulation contains urea-sulfuric acid that aids in acidifying soil. Manganese availability increases when soil pH is below 7.0. Manganese influences photosynthesis and is involved in several plant enzymes that promote chlorophyll production in the plant. The result is a darker, natural green tissue.

Total Nitrogen (N) …………………………….. 0.50%
Sulfur (S) …………………………………………. 4.00%
Manganese (Mn)(Actual) …………………………….. 7.00%


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Use Rate (per 1000 ft2) Application Interval
Greens, Tees, and Fine Turf 2-3 oz
Fairways, Roughs, Sport Turf and Lawns 2-3 oz 3-4 weeks
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