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A Flexible New Fungicide for Powerful Control of Snow Mould and Brown Patch

    • Ability to customize needed snow mould and disease control by tank mixing with other fungicides
    • Offers resistance management when tank mixed with other fungicides
    • In research trials,* provided excellent control of snow mould when used alone and in a tank mix
    • Recent field testing demonstrates control of snow mould even after more than 150 days of snow cover (according to 2018/2019 trials)With a range of tank-mix options and proven efficacy, PENDANT™ 50 WDG is the foundation of an effective snow mould management program.


Active Ingredients: Fludioxonil – Group 12

Package Size: 3 kg water dispersible granules

PCP Number: 32728

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Disease Rate (per 100 m2) Application Interval
Brown Patch 15 gm 7-14 days
Pink Snow Mould 15 gm 1 app before snow cover
Grey Snow Mould 15 gm 1 app before snow cover





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