Needle & Thread Grass - BrettYoung
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Needle & Thread Grass

Hesperostipa comata, native

  • Densely tufted
  • Characteristic awns
  • Light greyish-green colour
  • Widely adapted to poor soils
  • Emergence is poor and may even require two growing seasons to establish
  • Very drought tolerant
  • Found on dry grasslands
  • Prevalent on sandy or poor soils and south-facing slopes
  • Dominant species in the dry central area of the Great Plains
  • Very common in southern regions and more sporadic as you move north

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Characteristics Table
Growth Habit Bunchgrass
Flood Tolerance Poor
Drought Tolerance Excellent
Salt Tolerance Fair
Soil PH Neutral to Basic
Soil Type Coarse to Moderately Fine
Approx. Seeds/lb 115,000
Canopy Mature Height 30-70 cm

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