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Green Needlegrass

Nassella viridula, native

  • Found in open meadows, foothills grasslands and parkland areas
  • In the Prairies, found where topsoil is deeper and richer, on heavy clays or sometimes on sandy soil with a high water table
  • Good soil stabilizer (2-3m of roots)
  • Moderately resistant to grazing
  • Excellent seedling vigour
  • Tall, slender bunchgrassCool season perennial that starts growth in late April

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Characteristics Table
Growth HabitBunchgrass
Flood Tolerance Fair
Drought ToleranceExcellent
Salt TolerancePoor
Soil PHNeutral to Basic
Soil TypeMedium to Fine
Approx. Seeds/lb180,000
Canopy Mature Height50-120 cm

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