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BY 6214TF

High-Performing, Mid-Maturity Hybrid with Advanced Disease Resistance Traits

  • Pod integrity that is suitable for delayed swathing
  • Next-generation clubroot resistance, including resistance to newer pathotypes such as 2B, 3A, 3D and others
  • DefendR-rated blackleg protection

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BY 6214TF

BY 6211TF Characteristics
System TruFlex
Yield Rating 103%
Relative Maturity Early
Clubroot R (Next-Generation Resistance)
Blackleg R-AG
Major Gene ID RlmS, LepR3
Harvestability Excellent
Seed Treatment Options Click Here
Pod Shatter Rating 5.6

Performance in Trials

BY 6214TF

Disease Management Rating: R = Resistant, IT = Improved Tolerance Yield and maturity ratings based on relative to check performance in available Co-op, CPT and private trials. Improved tolerance versus susceptible varieties, using WCC/RRC-approved protocol.

Seed Treatment Options

Base Seed Treatment:

Helix Saltro Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 1:

Fortenza Advanced Logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 2:

BUTEO start logo

Optional Add-On Treatment 3:

BUTEO start logo     BY 6214TF

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