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Bobcat Red Clover

Impressive Forage Yield and Disease Resistance

Bobcat is a high performing double-cut red clover that features high forage yield and excellent forage quality with very good stand persistence.

  • High forage yield
  • Excellent forage quality
  • Stand persistence
  • Disease resistance

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Variety Bobcat
Use Hay & Pasture
Root Habit Tap Roots with Branches
Plant Type Upright
Preferred Growing Conditions Best suited to areas with good moisture and good drainage. Tolerates lower pH soils
Production Period Spring
Key Features
  • Superior forage yield
  • Excellent winter hardiness
  • High moisture tolerance
  • Low drought tolerance
Approx. Seeds/lb 240,000
Seeding Rate lb/acre 7-11


Environmental Tolerances
Winterhardiness Moderate
Drought Tolerance Low
Flooding Tolerance Moderate
Optimum PH 5.5 – 7.5
Acidity Tolerance Moderate
Alkalinity Tolerance Moderate to  High
Salinity Tolerance Low
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