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Akras R2

The Standard in Pod Height

  • Exceptional combination of yield, maturity and dependable performance
  • Widely adapted to provide high yield potential throughout early and mid-season maturity zones
  • Very high first pod
EPS_Roundup_Ready_2Yield_Soybeans_Color_CMYK (002)

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Akras R2

Maturity2375 CHU 00.3 RM
Pod HeightExcellent
PRRVery good Field Resistance (Rps1c gene)
White MouldVery Good
Plant/Canopy TypeSemi-Bushy
Plant HeightMedium
Row Spacing7-22 inch
Seedling VigourVery Good
HilumImperfect Black

RM: Relative maturity
PRR: Phytophthora root rot
IDC: Iron deficiency chlorosis
White mould: Sclerotinia or white mould
Excellent (E) > Very Good (VG) > Good (G) > Poor (P)
Tolerant > Semi Tolerant > Susceptible

Akras R2

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