AC Killarney Orchardgrass - BrettYoung
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AC Killarney Orchardgrass

Orchardgrass is a vigorous, medium-to long-lived perennial bunch grass with deep fibrous roots. Orchardgrass prefers soil with good drainage and high fertility for optimum production. It is ideally suited to mix with alfalfa and other legumes in pasture or hay/haylage/silage blends. Orchardgrass is highly palatable and recovers quickly after cutting or grazing. Orchardgrass establishes quickly and begins growth early in the spring, but it is susceptible to overgrazing which may greatly shorten stand life. Bred in western Canada for the harsh Canadian environment AC® Killarney’s unique selection process brings a new level of persistence, productivity, and winter hardiness to Canadian hay and pasture stands.

Variety AC Killarney
Use Hay & Pasture
Root Habit Bunch-grass
Plant Type Basal
Preferred Growing Conditions Prefers medium textured well drained soils with good moisture
Production Period Spring – Fall
Key Features
  • Excellent winter hardiness
  • Late maturity
  • Dense leafy production
  • Not always winter hardy


Environmental Tolerances
Winter Hardiness Excellent
Drought Tolerance Moderate
Flooding Tolerance Low to Moderate
Optimum PH 6.0 – 7.5
Acidity Tolerance Moderate
Alkalinity Tolerance Low
Salinity Tolerance Low to Moderate
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