Maladies contrôlées | ||
Maladie | Taux (par 100 m²) | Intervalle d’application |
Anthracnose foliaire | 18,3 – 33,3 gm | 14 – 28 jours |
Pourriture basale Anthracnose | 18,3 – 33,3 gm | 14 – 28 jours |
Patch marron | 16,7 – 29,8 gm | 14 – 28 jours |
Dollar Spot | 20 – 35 gm | 14 – 28 jours |
Patch de microdichium | 29.8 gm | Simple |
Tache foliaire | 18,3 gm | 14 jours |
Pythium Blight | 26,8 gm | 14 jours |
Pythium Root Rot | 33,3 gm | 14 jours |
Patch d’été | 16,8 – 33,6 gm | 14 – 28 jours |
Patch Take-All | 33,3 gm | 28 jours |
Moule à neige rose | 29.8 gm | Unique |
Moule à neige gris | 20.2 gm | Unique |
Honor™ (Copy)
Broad-spectrum fungicide that provides disease performance and plant health benefits for a strong foundation you can count on.
Broad-spectrum control of up to 14 diseases, including anthracnose, dollar spot, pythium, summer patch, take-all patch and microdochium patch.
Controls diseases on turf for up to 28 days to ensure the longest possible spray intervals.
Unique Intrinsic® Plant Health Benefits help mitigate environmental and mechanical stress for healthier turf and enhanced golf surfaces.